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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hypocritical Liberals and Media Made For Each Others

What kills me about this Edwards scandal is the sickening double standards applied to their coverage and the actual protection of those in their love stable yet viciousness towards those not under their Mafia like umbrella of protection.

This is what John Edwards once said about being faithful to ones spouse when asked by Cutesy Katie according to Ann Coulter's latest:
"Of course. I mean, for a lot of Americans -- including the family that I grew up with, I mean, it's fundamental to how you judge people and human character -- whether you keep your word, whether you keep what is your ultimate word, which is that you love your spouse, and you'll stay with them. ... I think the most important qualities in a president in today's world are trustworthiness -- sincerity, honesty, strength of leadership. And -- and certainly that goes to a part of that."
What a sack of sh** this man is by his own definition, and the media is slime for protecting him in this case, especially now that the pictures all the liberals and media have been demanding for proof have now been proffered by The National Enquirer. An outlet which has proven to be more forthcoming and truthful than the entire liberal protecting MSM.

Ann Coulter rips them and Edwards a new orifice that he doesn't need in her new column.

Only His Hair Dresser Knows for Sure! -

: "The mainstream media's reaction to the National Enquirer's reports on John Edwards' 'love child' scandal has been reminiscent of the Soviet press. Edwards' name has simply been completely whitewashed out of the news. Say, why isn't anyone talking about John Edwards for vice president anymore? No, seriously -- hey! Why are we going to a commercial break?

I suspect that if I tried to look up coverage of the Democratic primaries in Nexis news archives, Edwards' name will have disappeared from the debates. By next week, Edwards won't have been John Kerry's running mate in 2004.

Do you know what this means? At this precise moment in time, I could call Edwards a name that would send me to rehab, and the media wouldn't be able to report it"A Washington Post reporter defended the total blackout on the National Enquirer's John Edwards' love child story, telling the Times of London: "Edwards is no longer an elected official and he is not running for office now. Don't expect wall-to-wall coverage." This was the perfect guy to talk to because if there's one thing they're careful about in London, it's tabloid excess.

Isn't there some level of coverage between "wall-to-wall" and "double-secret probation, delta-force level total news blackout" when it comes to a sex scandal involving a current Democratic vice presidential and Cabinet prospect?

Hey, what sort of "elected official" was Ted Haggard again? He was the Christian minister no one outside of his own parish had ever heard of until he was caught in a gay sex scandal last year. Then he suddenly became the Pope of the Protestants. And yet, despite the fact that Haggard was not an "elected official," the Post gave that story wall-to-wall coverage. And what sort of "elected officials" were Mel Gibson, Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett?

Even the Dems are calling for The Breck Girl to finally admit the truth about this story, which will then solidifyt he affair the Media has had with top Liberal candidates culminating in this unprecendented Obama love festival:
Dems call on Edwards to address affair rumors:

newsobserver.com | "RALEIGH - Former Sen. John Edwards might have to move quickly to save his spot on the national stage.

With two weeks before their national convention, several prominent Democrats are saying Edwards must publicly address anonymously sourced National Enquirer stories that claim he had an affair with a campaign worker and fathered her baby.

Democrats gather in Denver on Aug. 25 and Edwards, as the 2004 vice presidential nominee and a presidential candidate who won delegates this year, ordinarily would be a speaker.

Instead some Democrats say convention organizers will try to avoid the lingering questions if Edwards himself doesn’t talk. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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