> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Tries To Talk His Way Into Commander In Chief Stature

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama Tries To Talk His Way Into Commander In Chief Stature

And he can talk til the cows come home in November and that doesn't change one IOTA the fact that this candidate needs about 4 more years of governmental experience before being close to presidential material due to his complete lack of executive experience anywhere in his lifetime.

I myself at 43 years old have run 2 multi million dollar printing companies in 25 years of Graphic Arts experience thus far, which is two more of anything than Obama has run so I guess I could run for president too!!. Not too good of timber for someone hoping to be the leader of a trillion dollar enterprise as leader per se of the free world that is right now in the midst of a struggle for civilization that the whole world admits exists except the liberals.

So Obama gave us yet another one of his policy speeches, making promises he can never keep telling the world what he'll do about Iraq after (A) not being there himself in over three years, (B) not talking to one single official in Iraq or elsewhere including the military generals in charge, and yet he knows what's best. What a joke. Greasing the skids prior to his little European jaunt where Germany has had to put him in his place while his campaign seeks to place hime in sites of historical significance to provide his campaign presidential like photo opsto make up for his lack of such hereto fore.

So NewsWeak tries to explain for us "gun toting and religion clinging" rubes and yokels what the "Supreme Obama Intelluctualis" meant in his speech yesterday, as if we cannot figure out for ourselves what he didn't say. That of coarse being that truthfully he doesn't know what the hell he's gonna do, and simply hopes we, the world and Al Queda will just trust he'll figure it all out on the fly,

Just Hope for Change and all will be well!!

Parsing Obama’s Iraq Speech | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

Newsweek.com: "It was Lee Hamilton, the Democrats' wise old man of national security, who let slip the real reason for Barack Obama's big foreign policy speech in Washington on Tuesday. Hamilton was introducing the party's presumptive nominee in front of an audience of foreign policy wonks and Obama fans hosted by the Woodrow Wilson International Center.

Hamilton said he normally brushed off such moments by saying that the distinguished speaker needed no introduction. But then he heard how Obama had recently tried to walk into a local gym but was challenged for some proof of identity. 'So I said to myself, whoa,' Hamilton told the audience. 'Maybe we better get back to the basics here. Our speaker today is Barack Obama. B-A-R-A-C-K. O-B-A-M-A.'"
OOOOWEEEEEEEE!!!! The Great Obamanus has entered the room!!! Bow to your leader one and all...

Obama smiled wryly, but the occasion for the speech was no joke. Buffeted by GOP charges that he's flip-flopped on the Iraq war, and facing down a bump in the polls for his Republican foe John McCain, Obama knew he needed a strong showing to help stem the criticism on the eve of a major trip abroad-set to encompass not only Iraq and Afghanistan, but the Middle East and Western Europe as well.

According to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, 72 per cent say McCain would be a good commander-in-chief; 48 per cent say Obama would be good. Of course, McCain's military service may account for a good chunk of the gap between the two. But that gap is unsettling for Democrats-especially since the same survey showed that 63 percent believe the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, and 51 per cent believe the U.S. has been unsuccessful in taking on the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Obama began his speech by invoking the familiar model of the Marshall Plan-the diplomatic and economic initiatives that helped pave the way for the reconstruction of Europe after World War II. But he quickly cut to the chase, outlining a strategy for coping with the fallout from the Iraq war in the years to come. "What's missing in our debate about Iraq-what has been missing since before the war began--is a discussion of the strategic consequences of Iraq and its dominance of our foreign policy," he said in front of no less than eight Stars and Stripes.

"This war distracts us from every threat that we face and so many opportunities we could seize," Obama argued. "This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and the resources that we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century. By any measure, our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for keeping America safe." continued, same old same old BS from Obamanus The Great

Right away he disqualifies himself from being taken seriously as everyone in the world recognizes that Iraq and Afghanistan are the very center and end all of the war on terror. The very center that the liberals refuse to believe no matter that Osama Bin Laden and all other Al Queda Leaders have declared it to be the Grand Jihad of all time. Go back home Barack and spend some more time reading and learning what's goping on in the war against terror and see us again in four years.

Meanwhile we'll let the grown ups run the show seeing as our very survival depends on this situation being addressed by someone living in reality of which you and your supporters are not.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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