> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Teaching Degree's Now Available On Cereal Boxes?

Today's world headlines

Monday, April 28, 2008

Teaching Degree's Now Available On Cereal Boxes?

Sure seems like it sometimes, judging by the endless arrests for sexual assaults and other malfeasance reported nearly daily today, on top of the one time quite noble profession being overrun by socialist liberals, most of whom seem hell bent on indoctrinating their students with mostly Anti American Socialist left wing propaganda instead of a balanced teaching of all the issues facing America today.

It's extremely sad for all the teachers out there that are all doing the right thing to the best of their abilities day in and day out, in many cases under nearly impossible to deal with teaching environments not conducive to learning anything much less teaching what the children of America need to survive in today's more than ever hyper competitive world economy.

Take a look at this substitute teacher who was arrested in the vicinity of St Louis Missouri after bragging to her classrooms one day recently about her active warrants for her arrest, one for drunk driving! She claims that the day was quite exasperating and demanding, which isn't that hard to believe but exactly how that becomes responsible for her arrest is somewhat of a stretch.

Substitute teacher's tales in class lead to her arrest:

STLtoday -"Alton — A substitute teacher at Alton High School was arrested at school a few days after she bragged to students about having an outstanding warrant for her arrest, authorities said.

Jane Kodros, 50, also allegedly made an obscene gesture with her middle finger and used derogatory words when she taught on Monday, said Capt. Marc McLemore of the Madison County sheriff's office.

The next day, the regular teacher returned and the students reported what happened. The school's resource officer learned Kodros had a warrant for failing to appear at a court hearing related to a derelict vehicle in Alton, and also that her drivers license was suspended due to a drunken driving conviction, McLemore said.

Madison County court records show that the warrant was issued in October 2003.

Kodros, who lives in the small Calhoun County town of Kampsville, then returned to substitute teach on Thursday. When authorities learned she was in school, she was arrested during a second-hour class, McLemore said." continued

Here's another more detailed article about this who should be after this an ex teacher. In this article there is more of her explanation as to what happened that day in the classrooms and the school that she was teaching and then removed from.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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