> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Crooks Have 'Em, Now The Cops Need 'Em, So What About The Average Joe?

Today's world headlines

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Crooks Have 'Em, Now The Cops Need 'Em, So What About The Average Joe?

Speaking of assault rifles, the Chicago Mayor Daley and new Police superintendent seem to agree that since they are outgunned by the criminals in this city and elsewhere they to should be armed with assault rifles, which I don't argue with for one second. Especially after the gun fest that took place last week on Chicago's west and south sides, no surprises there I'm afraid.

What I do argue with and I say myself being a legal gun owner, why is it just about everyone but law abiding citizens seem to now have access to assault rifles, and now we are the ones just like police who are left at the disadvantage against the criminals out there, yet we law abiding citizens are the only ones who don't own assault rifles. Go figure that one out.

And to make matters worse, every time there is some shooting somewhere by criminals with illegally possessed firearms Barack Obama and his ilk want to to take more guns out of the hands of we law abiding citizens with more gun laws, moving the balance in favor of the criminals even more.

Just Like Barry Brobama voted against the death penalty for gang murderers by the way, he's all over the place on this issue, all over but insists he's tough on crime and terror...my a**.

As if these criminals actually line up at their local "Joe's gun store" to legally get cleared buy weapons as opposed to buying them on the black market on the streets where the criminal element actually arm themselves, so in the end we legal gun owners and law abiding citizens are disarmed and the criminals have unmitigated access to weapons at all times.

Makes about as much sense as............ well none at all, which is par for the coarse for most of today's criminal , terrorist coddling 2nd amendment hating Democrats.

Daley backs proposal to arm police officers with semiautomatic assault rifles

chicagotribune.com: "Mayor Richard Daley said Saturday he is backing a plan by his new police superintendent to equip all Chicago police officers with semiautomatic assault rifles, which Daley said would put officers on equal footing with armed gangs and criminals.

'Many times [the police are] outgunned, to be very frank,' Daley said at an event in the Englewood neighborhood. 'When they come to a scene, someone has a semi-fully-automatic weapon, and you have a little pistol, uh, good luck.'

The city's SWAT units already use the M4 carbines that Police Supt. Jody Weis is proposing for the rest of the 13,000 rank-and-file officers. Daley said the pistols the rank-and-file officers carry aren't enough when they're up against gunmen brandishing AK-47 assault rifles"continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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