McCain really showed his true deep down liberal colors yesterday by throwing Cunningham in front of his Straight Talk Express bus per se yesterday because of his repeated use of this apparent common slur (sarc on), 'HIS MIDDLE NAME HUSSEIN" as Cunningham opened up his rally yesterday with exactly what McCain's people asked for, red meat for the crowd to which they favorably responded to by the way!!
I've repeatedly stated that this is the first time in my life and in politics when the usage of someone's own name is being characterized as a slur of some sort as was indicated yesterday by the big liberal flap generated over Cunningham's genuine attempts at reminding voters of who this man is and where he comes from, two plus generations of Muslim heritage (father & grandfather then it becomes unclear) is what the obvious connotation is and deservedly so one would think after 9-11..
If this is something that is of some embarrassment or shame for Obama then he as should his liberal sycophants in the mediashould come forward and explain to Americans exactly why it is that being referred to by his full given birth name is offensive and considered a slur of some sort or another. How ridiculous..
Or maybe he should go back to using Barry as he did for part of his life as most are unaware as well.
Meanwhile, John McCain may have cost himself some very valuable supporters and voices out here in the blogosphere and in radio land after his spineless kiss up to Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama at Bill Cunningham's expense.

McCain Repudiates Hussein Obama Remarks
The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog: "CINCINNATI, Ohio—A conservative radio talk show host who helped introduce Senator John McCain before a rally here Tuesday used Senator Barack Obama’s middle name, Hussein, three times, while disparaging him, prompting Mr. McCain to apologize and repudiate the comments afterward.
Bill Cunningham, who hosts “The Big Show” with Bill Cunningham, a local program here that is also syndicated nationally, was part of a line of people lauding Mr. McCain and revving up the crowd before his appearance here before several hundred people at a theater here.
He lambasted the national media, drawing cheers from the audience, for being soft in their coverage of Mr. Obama compared to the Republican candidates, declaring they should “peel the bark off Barack Hussein Obama.”
He went on to rail, “at one point, the media will quit taking sides in this thing and start covering Barack Hussein Obama.”
After Mr. Cunningham spoke, Congressman Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican, took the stage and introduced Mr. McCain, who spoke for about a half hour. Neither commented about Mr. Cunningham’s remarks.Mr. Portman said: “Willie, you’re out of control again. So, what else is new? But we love him. But I’ve got to tell you, Bill Cunningham lending his voice to this campaign is extremely important. He did it in 2000, he did it in 2004, it was crucial to victory then and it’s even more important this year with his bigger radio audience. So Bill Cunningham thank you for lending your voice.”
Afterward, however, Mr. McCain held a scheduled news conference and immediately addressed the comments, evidently informed by his aides about what had happened.
“It’s my understanding that before I came in here a person who was on the program before I spoke made some disparaging remarks about my two colleagues in the Senate, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton,” he said. “I have repeatedly stated my respect for Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, that I will treat them with respect. I will call them ‘Senator.’ We will have a respectful debate, as I have said on hundreds of occasions. I regret any comments that may have been made about these two individuals who are honorable Americans.” continued
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