> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Anti Illegal Immigration Groups Imploding To The Illegal Movement Delight

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Anti Illegal Immigration Groups Imploding To The Illegal Movement Delight

I was all gung ho lined up behind the Minuteman movement at it's inception a few years back, but slowly and surely it has become fragmented and has simply lost sight of it's initial mission as a result of infighting between factions and it's submission to human nature where the individual and their best interests suddenly become more important than the group and movement as a whole .

As a result the MSM and illegal immigration advocates on the left have been supplied with ample ammunition to combat any effectiveness these groups may have had at one time. For all intents and purposes the Minuteman movement has proven to be simply ineffective and has forever lost any chance it may have had in making a substantial difference in the illegal immigrant fight and debate.

It's now left up to the citizens to elect and de-elect those who will uphold the laws of the land as Sheriff Joe Arpaio has done so effectively in Arizona along with the politicians which has left the illegals fleeing that state today as quickly as you can say adios amigos.

Minuteman Meltdown?

Daily Pilot: "Traditionally tight-knit anti-illegal immigration organizations are roiled in internal conflict.

Struggles for power and finances have led leaders in the movement to split ties with Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minuteman Project.

Bickering continues over who has control of the original Minuteman organization and once faithful members are now deserting the group. Barbed e-mails and accusations fly among the former Minuteman loyalists.

“I’m fighting on three fronts,” Gilchrist said. “I’m fighting the Federal government, I’m fighting the reconquistas, and I’m fighting the people defecting from my own organization.”

Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project, which has become nearly synonymous with the anti-illegal immigration movement, is under fire from many other like-minded groups"

William Gheen, of the North Carolina-based Americans for Legal Immigration political action committee (ALIPAC), said Gilchrist is a threat to the anti-illegal immigration movement. Gheen said people in his organization receive bizarre e-mails from the Minuteman founder.

“We see Gilchrist as prone to act against the good of the movement,” Gheen said. “He has a pattern of broken alliances and relationships.”

Gilchrist said groups like ALIPAC see him as competition for fundraising dollars.

“As long as the Minuteman Project exists, we take away from their donor base,” Gilchrist said.

Huntington Beach resident and California Coalition for Immigration Reform founder Barbara Coe was one of the former Minutemen who wrestled the organization away from Gilchrist in 2007.

Coe was one of first to rush to the border with the Minutemen in 2005, but she said the unity that once united the activists has devolved into internal strife.

“I am very distressed about the shadow that has been cast on the movement,” Coe said. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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