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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thank Goodness This Will End After Today

Count me among the people that find this Iowa caucus system, too antiquated and way overblown by the left wing driven media in their attempt to remain relevant as kingmakers in the drawn out presidential political circus it has now become in this media driven society. Especially since the Dems offer up Shrillary and Brother Obama and will do just about anything along with the complicit media to get either one or both together on the Liberal DreamTeam ticket elected in November. Almost Anything.

Another reason the media have devoted more time this political season on network tv than the last 4 combined according to Politico.com today, mostly because these liberals in media and elsewhere smell major conservative blood in the water and are going full bore trying to get conservative fence sitters to push Mike Huckabee, or as I refer to him Huckleberry Hound towards the nomination. The Democrats Dream.

This is because in that scenario they see an easy democratic cakewalk win should he become the nominee. That you can take to the bank.

How just one or two small and not really mainstream states dictate effectively what the remainder of the country's voters intend to do at the ballot boxes is really beyond me, as anything going on there in these past few weeks has no bearing on what lever per say I'll pull when it comes time in Illinois or when millions of American vote in the primaries on Super Tuesday.

That is unless the nominee I or millions of others intend to vote for is pushed out of the race due to the false pretenses set up by this overblown Iowa and New Hampshire influence. In many opinions the days of the Iowa caucus and Nutty New Hampshire influence are long over and should be expeditiously eradicated next time around in my opinion.

Iowa Turnout Crucial to Success

My Way News - : "DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Presidential hopefuls urged their partisans to brave the cold and rally fellow Iowans to the caucuses Thursday, a massive test of organization that held the key to victory in the first contests of the 2008 election season. Capturing the urgency - and biting chill - in the air, Barack Obama implored his people, 'Walk quick, talk fast.'

Iowans, courted for months by candidates barnstorming their towns, swamping their airwaves and, in the later rounds, bickering with each other, finally give shape to the presidential race in a caucus ritual rooted in a centuries-old tradition of political activism.

Whether they would bring clarity to the national contest as it pivots to New Hampshire only five days later and then on to remaining states was just one more unknown in a campaign unpredictable at every turn."

"The two things that are clear to everyone here is that it's cold and it's close," said former Missouri Sen. Jim Talent, an adviser to Mitt Romney. Romney vastly outspent his GOP rivals, only to see his longtime lead in Iowa polls slip away.

(AP) Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., speaks at a campaign stop Wednesday,...

The former Massachusetts governor goes into the caucuses fighting for a win against Mike Huckabee, a man who stood at 2 percent in the polls in Iowa less than six months ago and was a blip elsewhere too until his campaign took off.

Polls indicate an improbably tight three-way race for the Democrats, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama and John Edwards all knotted together - a crowd-pleasing nail-biter reflected in swollen crowds at Democratic venues and expectations of a hectic caucus night.

Caucuses begin at 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. EST - and with that evening curtain-raiser, most candidates filled their Thursday calendar with still more speeches and events. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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