> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Soldiers Keep It Real In Iraq On YouTube

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Soldiers Keep It Real In Iraq On YouTube

Today Drudge has a link to a Breibart page that features American soldiers seemingly having some good times in between the inevitable hard and dangerous work they're doing over there, and from the videos that I watched that were featured (all of them) they appear to be making many friends now over there as well.

Iraqis mock US soldiers and themselves on You Tube:

AFP: "US soldiers are lampooned, policemen are shown as buffoons and Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is irreverently cheered by penguins... Iraqis are turning more and more to You Tube to express their dark-edged humour.

The main butt of send-ups posted by Iraqis on the popular Internet video site is, as one might expect, the US military.

With around 160,000 troopers scattered across the country there is clearly no dearth of subjects -- nor lack of innovative video makers.

One video shows a large-mouthed soldier repeating Arabic phrases told to him by a group of locals.

'Bring us back to our family, bring us home. Bring us some bread, any bread, hot or cold,' he says, seemingly unaware of what he is repeating.

'The salary is not that good either,' he adds as the camera zooms closely onto his face.

Another video shows a group of Iraqi soldiers speaking to a female American trooper, who clearly knows a smattering of Arabic.

They ask her name, and she replies 'Sarah.' They ask her questions and she replies in Arabic. She is from Alabama -- she does not like New York.

The walkie-talkie strapped near her shoulder crackles and she bends her head towards it to answer." continued

I found this one below to be quite enjoyable and the most well done, but there are quite a few to check out and many may disagree with my assessment so check them out if you have the time.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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