> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Good News From The Locked Up Terrorist Front Today

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good News From The Locked Up Terrorist Front Today

A Florida subversive professor fronting for a terrorist group who was exposed by Bill O'Reilly and subsequently tried and convicted for aiding and abetting terrorists has lost his appeal and will remain behind bars where he belongs.

And it's just a shame that the US government hasn't been more forthcoming in pursuing these types of prosecutions, as the American liberal left has been aiding and abetting the terrorists ever since the embers of 9-11 finally cooled off in early 2002.

And they will luckily all escape prosecution for their collective outrageous treasonous behavior during this war against terrorism if a Democrat is elected in November. Further than that they may as well just sanction terrorist aid right into the constitution so they can just make it easier for them to support America's enemies in the future.

Court Denies Fla. Ex-Professor's Appeal --

Newsday.com: "ATLANTA - A former Florida college professor who pleaded guilty to aiding a Palestinian terrorist group was not immune from a subpoena forcing him to testify in an unrelated probe of Muslim charities, an appeals court ruled Friday.

Sami Al-Arian, 50, had argued the terms of the plea agreement exempted him from testifying before a grand jury in an investigation of Islamic charities in Virginia.

A federal judge disagreed and found Al-Arian guilty of contempt when he refused to testify."The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied Al-Arian's appeal Friday, ruling that federal prosecutors did not violate the plea agreement by forcing him to testify in the Virginia case.

Al-Arian, a former computer engineering professor at the University of South Florida, was acquitted on eight counts of aiding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. After a six-month trial, jurors deadlocked on nine other counts. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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