> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Al Queda Leader Follows Dear Abby Footsteps

Today's world headlines

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Al Queda Leader Follows Dear Abby Footsteps

Who better to dial up in the Middle East for one's problems and advice on how to join up to blow one's head off in the name of Allah than the allmighty exalted one, may peace be with him, Al Zawahri and his new internet blog offering "Ask Zawahri".

I can't believe a terrorist can openly author an internet blog or column and cannot be tracked down in some way or another as a result and put out of commission once and for all as this guy has been on the radar screen since 9-11 along with his smelly buddy Oslima..

Next thing ya' know the guy will have a TV show on Al Jazeera broadcast from his cave of the month talking about his plans for the global caliphate and bring in guest terrorists to talk about the jihad for all his apparent fans out there practicing the religion of peace, like the folks described int he AP article below.

"Ask Zawahri" Web forum draws Qaeda-curious

Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman frustrated by the lack of opportunities in al Qaeda and a supporter wondering if Muslims should deal in gold instead of dollars are among hundreds who have submitted Internet questions to al Qaeda deputy Ayman al-Zawahri.

'My question: What is the role of women in al Qaeda? ... We are the ones who sit with broken hearts and we sit here with nothing to do,' one woman asked, according to the U.S. based terrorism monitoring service SITE Intelligence Group."

Hopefully he recommended she go strap on a belt and blow her brains out like her sick husband and sons probably have done.

The questions were drawn by an offer last month by al Qaeda-linked Web sites that carried an interview with Zawahri, Osama bin Laden's second-in-command.

The deadline was January 16, and Zawahri's answers to selected questions are expected within the next several weeks, SITE said. It sampled about 500 questions of the more than 2,000 submitted. Most were in Arabic.

Although Zawahri and other top al Qaeda leaders are believed to be holed up in remote Pakistan, analysts credit the group with being highly Web-savvy. The semi-interactive forum with Zawahri lets him appear accessible, SITE senior analyst Adam Raisman said.

"It allows for a greater feeling of community on these al-Qaeda affiliated forums when members can voice their concerns to the leadership where there may be a possibility he can respond to them. It also allows them to achieve part of their propaganda goal," he said.

Among the hot topics, questioners wanted to know whether al Qaeda has a presence in Palestinian areas or plans one. It is believed the network wants to establish a foothold, but faces competition for turf from the well-established Hamas. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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