> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Rudy Giuliani's New TV Ad Released

Today's world headlines

Monday, November 19, 2007

Rudy Giuliani's New TV Ad Released

My first choice for president is Duncan Hunter but since his chances are near zero at this point I will have to settle for the nominee which looks as if it is going to be Giuliani or Romney with Huckabee and McCain the longshots. There's am awful lot of disgruntled firefighters and New Yorkers working against Giuliani as there are an equal number grateful for his leadership at least during the few weeks following the attacks.

All these politicians have their shortcomings and he's no different, his opponents mostly harping on his supposed constant invoking of 9-11 in this campaign, which as far as I'm concerned since he was mayor of the city at the time that gives him the right to refer to it as much as anyone does. People are smart enough to know what he did and didn't do, as any thinking person knows he wasn't down there saving lives per say every day etc etc

And leaving it off of his resume would be like Hillary Rob 'em Clinton leaving out of hers that she was in the White House for 8 years, who's job was mostly off in the other room somewhere.

For example those two or three years while Monica was under Bill's desk doing the job that Hillary apparently wouldn't do, while she was reportedly servicing a intern of sorts of her own, this Beautiful Muslim Aide of hers.

With those pathetically weak presidential qualifications where's the complaining that all she talks about in her campaign is that she was married to the president, seemingly only so after his time was up she could then try and become first a senator which she did and then president later on as she is now attempting to do. As why else would anyone stay married to such a philandering slime after that 8 years of public humiliation as Barack Obama has been alluding to this past weekend?

Well, I almost forgot what the post was about and by the way here's that Giuliani "commercial".....


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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