A man who did what he did and then was ordered to do as a trained military member, and I for one proud and thankful American hope Mr. Tibbets rests in peace, and I thank him and his family for his devoted service to the US Air Force and the world, helping save it and us from almost certain Nazi rule, if not at least most of Europe at the end of that terrible war.
A man who tragically asked to be not marked in his death, not wanting to provide liberal loons a place to gather and desecrate his grave as they do others on Veterans day and Memorial day around the country and world in the name of peace. Yes, that's violence in the name of peace, the same thing that was done at the end of WWII to bring an end to a tragic war and all wars that sometimes must be fought and when they are must then be won.
Mr Tibbets then and near present

Pilot of Plane That Dropped A-Bomb Dies:
My Way News - "COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Paul Tibbets, who piloted the B-29 bomber Enola Gay that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, died Thursday. He was 92 and insisted almost to his dying day that he had no regrets about the mission and slept just fine at night. Tibbets died at his Columbus home, said Gerry Newhouse, a longtime friend. He suffered from a variety of health problems and had been in decline for two months. Tibbets had requested no funeral and no headstone, fearing it would provide his detractors with a place to protest, Newhouse said." continued
Notice that thankless old liberal news media twist has to be thrown in the mix there, even right up to the man's dying day in his obituary, as they underhandedly take a jab at him (bold type) insinuating that for some reason he shouldn't have slept well at night after doing what he was ordered to do and thankfully did during the war.
Typical that they pontificate and criticize the military and it's proud members while living comfortably under the very blanket of freedom and protection men like this man provide these liberal news reporters and the rest of the free world with their bravery. Sickening.
Typical that they pontificate and criticize the military and it's proud members while living comfortably under the very blanket of freedom and protection men like this man provide these liberal news reporters and the rest of the free world with their bravery. Sickening.
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