We all know that's the real score with the improvements making leaps and bounds in Iraq, improvements that the MSM and dems really hate to see. These major improvements are what's left them so much time, energy and print space to now focus on Blackwater USA and their current problems, which in turn are now causing problems for the military as a whole, troubles the MSM and Dems love to see and report and hold useless fingerpointing hearings over.
This scandal is Dem and terrorist driven and is nothing more than Haditha redux, just replacing the Marines with the Blackwater contractors, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less, and that will all be revealed in good time I'm betting just like it was with Haditha. And of coarse the media will then drop the story just as they've done with Haditha and will have to pay their Iraqi stringers to come up with something else for the stop the war effort..
Here's an example in the WAPO today of that type of reporting, and for even more examples just type Blackwater into Google News or just click here and look at all the results; a virtual Blackwater hate driven orgy all on liberal blogs and newspapers like MSNBC, the LA Times and WAPO.
Meanwhile Michael Yon's great website/blog, the most reliable and nearly the only trustworthy reporter in Iraq has great news about Al Queda, and it's guaranteed you won't see Brian Williams or Wolfie Blitzer reporting these events or story any time soon regarding an important announcement by the Sunni led Iraqi Islamic Party:
This scandal is Dem and terrorist driven and is nothing more than Haditha redux, just replacing the Marines with the Blackwater contractors, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less, and that will all be revealed in good time I'm betting just like it was with Haditha. And of coarse the media will then drop the story just as they've done with Haditha and will have to pay their Iraqi stringers to come up with something else for the stop the war effort..
Here's an example in the WAPO today of that type of reporting, and for even more examples just type Blackwater into Google News or just click here and look at all the results; a virtual Blackwater hate driven orgy all on liberal blogs and newspapers like MSNBC, the LA Times and WAPO.
Meanwhile Michael Yon's great website/blog, the most reliable and nearly the only trustworthy reporter in Iraq has great news about Al Queda, and it's guaranteed you won't see Brian Williams or Wolfie Blitzer reporting these events or story any time soon regarding an important announcement by the Sunni led Iraqi Islamic Party:

Iraqi Islamic Party says, “Al Qaeda is Defeated.
Michael Yon : Online Magazine » Blog Archive »”: "“Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated,” according to Sheik Omar Jabouri, spokesman for the Iraqi Islamic Party and a member of the widespread and influential Jabouri Tribe. Speaking through an interpreter at a 31 October meeting at the Iraqi Islamic Party headquarters in downtown Baghdad, Sheik Omar said that al Qaeda had been “defeated mentally, and therefore is defeated physically,” referring to how clear it has become that the terrorist group’s tactics have backfired.
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