All day talk radio and cable tv has been reverberating with the tapes, nearly endless, of Democrats besmirching our soldiers and the military in general with those embedded in our brains statements. You know what I'm talking about....Here's their greatest hits:
- The most recent example is of coarse the General Petraeus Fiasco and the whole democratic party joining in on that smear, then suddenly get religion this week over an imaginary hurt from Rush.
- Harry Reid saying the war is lost, calling the Iraq war a losing effort.
- John Kerry speaking of getting stuck in Irak (lol),
- That trusty old faithful Jihad Jack Murtha referring to Haditha and the soldiers there murdering Iraqi civilians in cold blood, youtube interview
- Not to mention our very own local disgrace Dick Turban Durbin equating our troops to polpot and Nazi Germany....
- And the chocolate wonderkid Barack Obama claiming the soldiers are raiding villages killing women and children etc etc,
And they now have the unmitigated gall to simply assume we the public are simply so stupid with no apparent memory of any of these statements they've all made on the record throughout the entire Iraq war.
Somehow latching on to the delusional idea that the very king of right wing talk radio and conservatism Rush Limbaugh would stoop to say anything derogatory towards them is pure idiocy in the fifth degree, one could say it would take a suspension of disbelief (Shrillary regarding General Patreaus Betray us).
Heck, John Kerry's blasphemous statements go all the way back to the Vietnam era for goodness sakes. These people and their reality has left the building and their trains have completely left the station at this time.
They are so blinded by hatred that they cannot see the forest through the trees and are truly frightening in the degree of illness they display day in and out today, to think that these people are supposed to be the best of what America has to offer the world and country, our supposed government leaders and representatives.
That is one frightening proposition my friends..
Finally in closing the post,
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