> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: San Fran Freako Strangles The First Amendment Rights Of Citizen Savage

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

San Fran Freako Strangles The First Amendment Rights Of Citizen Savage

The city government condemned Michael Savage yesterday for making this simple statement back in July:

(From the WND article linked below) Sandoval's resolution condemns Savage for "defamatory language ... against immigrants." The resolution was in response to Savage's July 5 broadcast, when the talker commented on a group of students who had announced they were fasting in support of changes in immigration policy.

"I would say, let them fast until they starve to death," quipped Savage, "then that solves the problem."

That harmless statement drew the ire of the city board from a city that condones sado-masochism in the streets during Annual Gay Pride Parades and daily in the gay bathhouses throughout the city, a city that generally hates America and everything she once stood for, bans the Blue Angels and the Nimitz, wont let the military film commercials on it's streets.......... the list goes on and on.

This is done to a citizen by the liberal democratic party and it's members, supposedly the party of free speech that invites murdering dictators to the US to speak at colleges and elsewhere, yet squelches the free speech of private citizens through city government because they don't agree with the view of the citizen.

Interestingly the vote presented a month or so ago failed because of the "no" vote from the lone voice of one Ed Jew, who was previously a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors representing district 4, Sunset District before he was suspended recently by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom resulting from some legal issues he is involved with.

On May 18, 2007, the FBI searched Jew's office at City Hall, as well as his two houses and his Chinatown flower shop in connection with what they termed "potentially federal criminal allegations. . He also seemingly violated the residency policy for government employees as well.

He, Ed Jew, alone stood up for free speech and now that he's gone the vote gets ram-rodded through the group again, (something that city is sadly all too familiar with, ramrodding that is) this time passing and thus condemning Michael Savage publicly for the free speech and thoughts that he shared with his audience on July 5th of this year..

San Francisco supervisors condemn Savage:

WorldNetDaily: "The San Francisco Board of Supervisors today condemned nationally syndicated radio talk-show host Michael Savage, whose program originates in city by the bay, for 'hate speech.' It was the board's second attempt at a resolution to condemn Savage for his criticism of illegal aliens in the U.S. In August, a single vote by a member whose grandfather emigrated from China seven decades ago halted a similar resolution its tracks."

The previous vote was 9-1, with third generation San Franciscan Ed Jew turning in the veto vote, after getting up and affirming Savage's First Amendment right to express his opinion.

Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval had introduced the resolution in August to condemn the radio talker. After the vote, he called for the tally to be rescinded and the proposal sent to committee, which essentially is a polite way of letting the issue die.

"For the record, I do not agree with comments allegedly made by Mr. Savage, but the First Amendment gives him the right to make those comments," Jew said. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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