> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Muslims Have Governments Around The World Running Scared

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Muslims Have Governments Around The World Running Scared

Demanding special treatment and protections all based in religious beliefs claims, Muslims around the world are pushing everyone else around to accept their religious beliefs mainstreaming Islam instead of they complying with their guest or host country's customs and beliefs, everywhere they go and live outside of their sand infested home hellholes that they supposedly wish to escape.

Another example comes from France where a bed an breakfast/motel type owner is facing PRISON TIME for demanding a Muslim remove her headscarf in the common areas of HER establishment. My question is where are the rights of the other 99 percent of the people who have a right to see who it is they are sharing a room or hallway, restaurant or elevator with?

What if one of these head scarved individuals was actually a male with a hidden weapon or bomb intending to do harm or even a women for that matter, how would one discern the difference until it was too late. Exactly the problem with this particular Muslim custom not really required by the Koran and is more a matter of personal interpretation colliding with modern lifestyles and civilizations.

This is going on here in America as we know, Muslims refusing to remove head scarves for license and identification pictures and other nonsensical litigation for footbath demands, where we have an incompatibility with modern life and and a religion mired in middle ages.

Where are our rights to not have to bend over backwards for these people is my question, because I'm frankly tired of it as no other group of peoples is granted special clothing privileges nor ask for them, why are they kow towed to.

Could it be intimidation and fear their buildings and cities and cars will be torched and protested as well if they don't comply on top of being called racists and xenophobes?? Probably something to do with it.

French innkeeper fined over Muslim headscarf demand:

swissinfo - "STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - A French court on Tuesday fined a guesthouse owner who refused to give a room to a woman wearing a Muslim headscarf unless she removed it in common areas. Found guilty of religious discrimination, Yvette Truchelut, 54, was handed a suspended four month prison sentence and fined 1,000 euros ($1409). She will have to pay a total of 7,400 euros to the plaintiff and rights groups that brought the action." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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