> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Why Was This Such a Mystery Until Now?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Why Was This Such a Mystery Until Now?

Man says he's the sailor in famous photo -
Yahoo! News: "HOUSTON - Glenn McDuffie has claimed for years that he was the sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square in Life magazine's iconic photograph of the day World War II ended.

If anyone just looked hard enough, he said, they would see that it was him in the shot."

Houston Police Department forensic artist Lois Gibson took up the challenge. And after what she called a detailed investigation, Gibson said she has concluded that McDuffie, 80, is the man in Alfred Eisenstaedt's Aug. 14, 1945 image.

The 2005 Guinness Book of World Records said Gibson has helped police identify more suspects than any other forensic artist. For this investigation, she had McDuffie pose for new photographs in his sailor uniform, recreating the famous pose with a pillow instead of a nurse. She measured his ears, facial bones, hairline, wrist, knuckles and hand and compared those to enlargements of Eisenstaedt's picture. continued

Geez Louise they had to go through all that crap to determine this was the man in the pic ........ You don't have to look that hard to see this. I enlarged the smaller photo and it's plain to see "he da' man.".

This below is my blow up comparison of the 2 photos I put together above, click for the full sized version in new window..pay attention tot he nose and the sideburn hairline, pretty obvious to me.

Again, anyone can tell immediately he's the guy in the picture, it's just too bad that no one believed him until now. He probably would've and should'a been able to cash in on this all these years like anyone else would have and could have.

Hopefully he gets what's coming to him now like he says in the article, before he dies...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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