> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: They Need To Fight The Illegals Not Each Others..

Today's world headlines

Sunday, August 19, 2007

They Need To Fight The Illegals Not Each Others..

If indeed the following is even accurate that is. I am a supporter of the Minuteman concept along with it's founders and main organization, and have been from the very beginning. However these groups have since fractured off into little self serving satellite groups that seem to have self promotion and other motives behind their organizations, while still wearing the Minuteman moniker like they are honest and straight shooting members all fighting the same enemy when they are not.

There have been accusations of malfeasance of monies by the main groups' leader Chris Simcox and others, although none of this has borne out into actual criminal charges or proven yet to be true. They have also been accused of squandering raised funds for the fence they were supposed to be building by some disgruntled farmers along the Texas border according to other reports out there.

Now this infighting has taken on a new incredulous form. To me and others is simply actual sabotage by a renegade fake group formed as if they are truly conservatives fighting the border mess but are indeed liberal lefties, just out rabble rousing and causing dysfunction purposely by flinging accusations and spreading propaganda, like this fake border shooting found on youtube this past week. That is my opinion and although the aforementioned rival group claims to be for real I don't believe them.

How could they be for the cause and yet be rivals when the enemies are the illegals simple cut and dry? Unless of coarse they all have ulterior financial motivations moving them instead of love for country, which is entirely possible and sadly probable as well.

Authorities: Minuteman Video Showing Immigrant Being Shot Is Fake

KGTV San Diego: "CAMPO, Calif. -- One Minuteman leader accused a rival Minuteman leader of videotaping the shooting of an illegal immigrant, but sheriff's deputies investigating the report Saturday said the video was fake, as did the maker of the video. Robert 'Little Dog' Crooks, leader of the Campo Minutemen, said he and his friends did shoot the video and sheriff's deputies came out to see what happened, but they know him well. 'Who in their right mind is going to shoot a smuggler, videotape it, then post it to YouTube?' Crooks said."

The video came to the attention of authorities after Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, who Crooks said is his rival, e-mailed another border activist, warning about the Crooks video, according to a local newspaper.The video, which is shot from the perspective of a gun scope, was probably staged, said Sgt. Mike Radovich of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Campo station. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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