> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: No Habla, No Comprende? Then No Employ-o Here In Illinois-o

Today's world headlines

Sunday, August 19, 2007

No Habla, No Comprende?
Then No Employ-o Here In Illinois-o

Lol -o (Spanish emoticon for laffing out loud?) I'm not laughing any longer however.

That's the way things have been headed in my city and state for quite a while now, and it is getting so bad here that many Illinois schools are more in search of bi-lingual teachers than anything, and if you no speak the Espanol you will not be working much longer in this state as a teacher it's starting to look like, according to many area teachers here of which I can personally confirm two that feel this way on my block only.

As a matter of fact, the entire job market in this state and elsewhere is starting to morph quietly towards the need for Spanish speaking operators, csr's, technicians, or fill in the blank-o_____ as being of equal to the needs of English speaking employees, consumers and citizens in the marketplace.
We non-spanish speaking or otherwise citizens (be us black, white, yellow and green) are quickly becoming the minority in many big cities like here and across the country as I sit typing, bitching and moaning right now.

We as many of my readers and friends out there know are in great peril of losing these United States to this un or undereducated, un-American and uncaring near slave labor work force, as well as their non-working family members who are flooding the land like never known to this country before it was known as this country.
No Spanish? No job, teachers told:

WorldNetDaily: "Spanish-speaking students are flooding into an Illinois school district so fast that teachers who educate in English only are being involuntarily transferred, and they believe there will come a time when they no longer will have a job. 'I know what the trend is, and it's not looking good,' Valerie Goranson told the Chicago Tribune. 'Even if my job was saved this year, what about next year?'"

She has twice lost a teaching assignment in the Waukegan district because she doesn't speak Spanish, she said. Last year, after teaching 5th grade at North Elementary for six years, district officials moved her to Clark Elementary to make room for a Spanish-speaking teacher at North.

Now she says it's happening again. continued
That article goes on to talk about the past weeks developments regarding the man in Florida we blogged about that is being booted from his store of many years because he isn't Mexican enough to remain there and some other teaching issues in Florida, well worth the read.

All this now comes on the heels of the news widely reported this week that the Census Department of the government is asking the Immigration enforcement arms of our government to incredulously suspend the raids and deportation of illegals during the 2010 census so they can get an accurate count of the illegals!!!

Hell, I was hoping we'd have them all deported or jailed by then! I guess that wishful thinking is just exactly that, wishful thinking no matter what the lip service politicians are feeding us daily. And no matter who we elect in this upcoming presidential race things in this country will continue going south as those south of the border continue to be allowed to keep coming north!
Census Bureau wants immigrant raids suspended
Says that would help when 2010 counters tabulate residents of U.S.

On the heels of activist groups demanding that the U.S. government begin enforcing the nation's existing immigration laws, one branch out of Washington now is asking just the opposite – that enforcement of border laws be suspended.

The stunning request comes from the Census Bureau's Deputy Director Preston Jay Waite, who told Associated Press in an interview that the immigration enforcement raids were suspended for several months during the time the 2000 Census was assembled, and it would help if that happens again in 2010. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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