This man is not presidential material, as he can't even be a senator during a crisis in his own state, no matter how much he kisses the asses of the people of New Orleans, (who are by the way still waiting for more government handouts from Katrina). This little trip also takes place when the whole Chicagoland area has nearly recovered from a hurricane type storm last week in less than four days, and also coping with the localized flooding for two weeks now around our rivers.
Lets not even mention the rest of the Midwest that's underwater and coping amazingly well.
This quick recovery came with no help from Obama and Washington yet, but from we hardworking headstrong Midwestern citizens that just rolled up the sleeves and got with it and on it right away, while also planning for the worst and working for the best with our local governments' help.
Governments that function decently most of the time, unlike that government of New Orleans and Louisiana as we all saw in plain view during that storm and even today. It's not Washington holding up the aid and distribution it's the inept local government there in 'Nawlins and LA..
So because that government and Ray Nagin are completely inept coupled with the massive citizen complacency there the rest of the country must continue to pay still today?
That's what brother Obama thinks and says. At least that's what he tells the people of New Orleans in church who's waiting for him to promise them all kinds of things he can't and won't deliver, that's for sure, nor should government deliver. As we know all too well in Illinois he's always been too busy running for president than to worry about Illinois or anywhere else for longer than one morning photo op in a Louisiana church for that matter.
Obama invokes Bible in NOLAWhat a crock of crap coming from Obama, and yeah there's something wrong here alright, and it's the people in New Orleans, as they all wait for people like you to come down there kissing their asses, promising them more free stuff than they already got before Katrina and now want afterwards. What a shameless panderer. - CNN Political Ticker : "Speaking to Sunday church congregants in New Orleans, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama invoked Jesus' Sermon on the Mount days before the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. 'Getting ready to talk to you today, I recall what Jesus said at the end of the Sermon on the Mount,' Obama said at New Orleans' First Emmanuel Baptist Church. 'He said, whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock.'"That rock, he said, was a principal of brotherhood exemplified by the church during Hurricane Katrina — but not the federal government.
"Something was wrong in America. Our foundation wasn't built on the rock," he said.
Obama blasted local, state and federal response to the storm, and touched upon ingredients necessary for the city's rebuilding, namely more employment opportunities for residents to rebuild, community-based law enforcement to tackle the city's crime epidemic, and improved health care.
President George Bush and several presidential candidates plan to visit New Orleans this week to commemorate the hurricane's anniversary.
Obama spent Saturday in Miami, where he brushed aside criticisms of running his campaign on the intangible platform of hope, calling himself a "hope monger," and proposed easing travel restriction with Cuba.
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