Some friends his devoted homeboy brutha's from the hood turned out to be, a bunch of losers that took him down like two 300 lb linebackers breaking free on a blitz.
However, aside from the personal failure and tragedy aspect of this travesty, what has bothered me along with millions of others out there is the extraordinary amount of attention that this case has garnered around the world with animal freaks.
After all, for some 30 plus years the world has stood by watching the minute by minute execution of the unborn to the tune of 50 million children, that's 50 million human beings dead in three decades, and yet over some poor dead animals the left is besides themselves tearing this man to shreds, albeit somewhat deservedly.
What kind of upside downward world do we live in today where this can take place is what really scares me and keeps me up at night day in and out.
I by the way was a once proud loving owner of a Tennessee purebread Cross Creek Beagle named Pistol for 12 years so I'm not no dog or animal hater, but I happen to value human life a lot more than my little pup and man's best friend I'm afraid. Without a doubt the manner in which these poor animals in this case were executed and forced to live was and is simply atrocious, but nowhere near what takes place in abortion clinics around the world every minute of every day disguised as family planning for the left wingers of the world.
View this and some of this if you left leaning readers have any doubt and the stomach for it, which I'm sure you do but I don't..
Back to this sad man Michael Vick, it's quite painfully obvious that even an incomprehensible amount of money and a college education to boot still does not or cannot replace common sense in we human beings.
He will now forever be known as the 130 million dollar f*** up .
BTW...Jumbo Hat tip to Texas Fred for the somewhat distasteful but yet humorous in it's own way photoshop. click pic for full size in new window.

NFL suspends Vick indefinitely -
News - "Quarterback Michael Vick will plead guilty in federal court Monday. Denying that he made dogfight side bets and attempting to minimize his role in the killing of dogs did not help pro quarterback Michael Vick with the NFL yesterday. And it won't help him with the judge, a veteran defense attorney said. The NFL yesterday suspended the Atlanta Falcons star indefinitely without pay.
The announcement came a few hours after Vick's signed plea agreement and summary of facts -- a confession -- were filed in federal court, in preparation for his guilty plea on Monday. 'Your admitted conduct was not only illegal, but also cruel and reprehensible,' NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's told Vick in a statement. 'Your team, the NFL and NFL fans have all been hurt by your actions.""Your plea agreement and the plea agreements of your co-defendants also demonstrate your significant involvement in illegal gambling," Goodell told Vick. "Even if you personally did not place bets, as you contend, your actions in funding the betting and your association with illegal gambling both violate the terms of your NFL player contract and expose you to corrupting influences in derogation of one of the most fundamental responsibilities of an NFL player."
Vick, 27, and three co-defendants were charged with an interstate dogfighting conspiracy. The four men, and others, took part in operating Bad Newz Kennels, which from 2002 until this year bred and trained dogs for fighting and participated in illegal fights and gambling. The kennels were at Vick's property in Surry County. continued
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