> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: So What You Think it be Doc? "Blow Up Two Buses and Be Calling Me in The Morning Achmed"

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So What You Think it be Doc?
"Blow Up Two Buses and Be Calling Me in The Morning Achmed"

This Muslim "physicians moonlighting as terrorists" thing is comical only now because no one has died yet as a result of their "three stooges like misfire" the past few day in London. And possibly, some good can even from of it for us, their avowed enemies.

What this event and discovery does hopefully show to many skeptical liberal Brits and Americans is that the terror aspect of Islam and that whole culture is so inbred and intertwined with one another that the entire community simply cannot be trusted.... period.

No more it's a Religion of Peace garbage , it's only a few of them, Islam means love, blah blah etc etc. That argument does not fly in the face of reality any more as it never did anyways with the well read out here and those of us who have bothered to learn anything about this cult of death in the midst of it's growing path of death and destruction that the timid world wants to ignore..

Therefore, law enforcements use of racial profiling in the case of Muslims in light of this development should be a lot easier for the average citizen to now accept and swallow than it was before. If not, then you deserve what you get from them, and even further, you're downright begging for it. So please do us all a favor if you feel that way and just paint a red X on your front door and make easier for the radicals to locate and separate you dhimmis from the rest of us.

Especially when we know now for a fact that all Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists without argument today are all Muslims. And don't try to rationalize the other side's or in other words the enemy's side, and hand me the IRA or Timothy McVeigh as examples of otherwise for these reasons:

They were and are limited in their scope of hatred and destruction, the IRA didn't declare war on the entire western world as Radical Islam has, neither did Timothy McVeigh, who simply hated the US Government and by the way is friggin DEAD and no longer a risk to anyone.

Go ahead and take the afternoon to try and dig up a white terrorist or two for me if you want, as I can instantly counter that with 50,ooo terrorist Muslims, so don't even bother.

If the so called moderates in the community do not want to be lumped in with that crowd, then it is there sole responsibility not ours to reveal and disclose those within their community that mean harm to others and then begin to win our hearts and minds, not the other way around anymore, thank you.
British Terror Probe Focuses on Doctors:

My Way News - "GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) - British police focused Tuesday on at least four physicians with roots outside Britain - including a doctor seized at an Australian airport with a one-way ticket - in the investigation into failed car bombings in Glasgow and London.

Separately, two men were arrested in an industrial park in northwestern England under the Terrorism Act on Tuesday, but a statement from Lancashire police said it was 'too early to confirm whether or not these arrests are linked to recent events in London and Glasgow.'"

At least four of the eight suspects directly tied to the terror investigation were identified as doctors from Iraq, Jordan and India. One of the doctors from India, 27-year-old Muhammad Haneef, was arrested at Brisbane's international airport where he was trying to board a flight, the Australian attorney general said.

A British official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, confirmed Tuesday that the Jordanian's wife also was arrested.

Police officers talk to a member of the public outside Scotland Yard, in central London, Tuesday,...British media reported that at least two other people detained Sunday were trainee physicians.... continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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