> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: How Much Money Can We Waste On This Nature Rewrite?

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Monday, June 25, 2007

How Much Money Can We Waste On This Nature Rewrite?

And where exactly does homosexuality fit in Darwin's theory of evolution that the left so stridently believes in and endorses as well since it's genetic an all? Is that in between the Neanderthal and Cro Magnon man stage or what?

Hunting the gay gene:

TheStar.com - columnists - "Gay men believe their sexual orientation is inextricably bound up with their very being. It is not a choice – let alone the 'wrong choice,' as religious and political critics have counter-claimed for years.

Many believe they simply were 'born that way,' and long for proof that their sexual proclivity is biological or genetic, a variation, not a deviation, of human nature. And how can an innate instinct be the subject of discrimination?" read more

Is dressing and acting like that picture above genetic too? Or is it simply another learned behavior? There's your answer to the above question and it cost you or society nothing but bandwidth to receive, not 50 million dollars and umpteen studies but free.

We humans learn many things in our lives that we may at first think we just might like to do or might enjoy but are clearly wrong, like drug abuse, alcohol abuse for starters, and this behavior is just another one of them. There are hundreds of glaringly simple reasons just physically to explain why men are not meant to engage in sexual behaviors with other men, and likewise for women.

The first and foremost reason for sexual activity in the first place is for procreation, not man and woman's playtime boredom recreation, it's really as simple as that. Absent that, what reason could anyone possibly come up with scientifically, not socially, for the reason that men or women should engage in sex with the same sex? There isn't one, not a valid one..

So assuming that simple deduction that a 2 year old can conclude, do we really need 70 gazillion dollars wasted on left wing governmentally funded meaning taxpayer money wasting studies to make all homosexuals feel a little better about there detrimental life choice? This when there are countless yet inexplicable diseases from the common cold to cancer that haven't yet been eradicated yet?

Sorry but I think not, not with my money. And that's not even touching the AIDS issue and what a human caused catastrophe that is and has become. Society tries to gloss over and ignore the obvious causes of HIV and AIDS and then it's crossover spreading yet wants us all to believe we can save the world from global warming that doesn't even exist. Talk about agendas. Feelings hurt, that's too bad. Rough world we live in.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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