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Thursday, May 10, 2007

What Comes Around Goes Around Al.

It's sure high time this one way street that Sharpton and Jackson have been traveling down the past few years was opened up to two-way traffic.

The "Rev" (rev of what.. nobody can tell us) has gotten a free pass on the same types of remarks that others have been lynched over by he and his posse. Don Imus of coarse being the latest race baiting victim until Mitt Romney became the most recent recipient of the Good Rev's sharp tongue.

The hatred coming from Al Sharpton has long hidden the fact that this country has made tremendous strides in the way of civil rights, but Sharpton and Jackson become worthless entities if this progress is admitted to by them and their followers, and they will soon see the tunnel closing up. It's high time the scrutiny they've placed on others started being deflected back at them and this may be the beginning of that occurring if the Imus episode wasn't enough to open they eyes of the unwilling to see.

Like the Rev himself said a few weeks ago, "Enough is Enough", and I think we've had enough, From Al & Jesse that is. So either "put up or shut the hell up" is the message The Rev should be getting today, and preferably he'll opt for the shut up option for the good of both his followers an America simultaneously.

Romney: Sharpton's comments "bigoted"

Radio Iowa: : "Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney says the Reverend Al Sharpton made a 'bigoted' remark earlier this week when Sharpton said voters who 'believe in God' will defeat Romney, who is running for president.
'I think it was a very unfortunate choice of words on his part. I don't know what he was thinking at the time...It was a very unfortunate and un-American thing to say,' Romney says.

Sharpton later said he wasn't questioning Romney's Mormon background. Romney's not buying Sharpton's explanation. 'I think it was a bigoted statement and I have no interest in seeing bigoted statements about my faith or anyone else's faith put into the public discourse,' Romney says.

Sharpton was among the leading critics of radio talk show host Don Imus for making racially insensitive remarks and Sharpton demanded that Imus be fired.Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney says the Reverend Al Sharpton made a 'bigoted' remark earlier this week when Sharpton said voters who 'believe in God' will defeat Romney, who is running for president.

'I think it was a very unfortunate choice of words on his part. I don't know what he was thinking at the time...It was a very unfortunate and un-American thing to say,' Romney says.

Sharpton later said he wasn't questioning Romney's Mormon background. Romney's not buying Sharpton's explanation. 'I think it was a bigoted statement and I have no interest in seeing bigoted statements about my faith or anyone else's faith put into the public discourse,' Romney says. "

Sharpton was among the leading critics of radio talk show host Don Imus for making racially insensitive remarks and Sharpton demanded that Imus be fired." read more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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