If you like many others formed your first opinion of this man during the democratic convention in Boston and subsequently the flood of glowing adulation heaped upon him with the media's full steam front-loaders you might be terribly misled and therefore wrong.
According to the research of a few former admirers of Obama he might have been a little less than forthcoming with his tear jerking "man from nowhere" speech that night that has propelled him into the national spotlight into a position of possibly being a viable contender for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination.
In addition to the what I consider to be and many others would concur I'm sure once made known to them interesting information below, my new blogging friend Layla Gonzalez on her wonderful blog The Hill Chronicles has a wonderful gabcast called “Listen to BlowOUT with Layla on Barack Obama” on this goofy media created Obama Phenomenon.
Andy Martin, of Political Gateway, who is the source of the story partially reprinted below has more on who he refers to as Big Momma Obama here
Mountain Laurel Review - Northwestern Pennsylvania's True Free Press: "The official biography of Barack Obama, candidate for the US Senate in Illinois, taken from his own website is named: 'The Background and Commitment to Make a Difference'. Anyone who watched his keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston was certainly captured by this stunning and charismatic man and there would be little doubt the biography carried a proper title. ."'Barak Obama, 2004 DNC Convention....
.."Tonight is a particular honor for me because — let’s face it — my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, read moreThe biography says: "Barack Obama has spent a lifetime fighting effectively to empower working families and the poor - as community organizer, civil rights attorney and a leader in the Illinois Senate. He has brought new ideas and approaches in pursuit of traditional Democratic ideals to make a real difference for people -- from better schools to affordable health care to criminal justice reform."It is impossible for Republicans to dispute that, it is all true.
Obama represents Illinois' 13th Senate District on Chicago's South Side, a very black and African American neighborhood. He is recognized as a leader of his own people and is held up as a substantial role model.
The Chicago Tribune has called him "one of the General Assembly's most impressive members."
skip ahead...................
But there was more to his story. He told it to us as he spoke at the convention."Tonight is a particular honor for me because — let’s face it — my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. His father — my grandfather — was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.
"But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that shone as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before.
Andy Martin calls this a "fictitious family history" and he calls it a lie.
He says he has conducted an investigation which has gathered information from three continents, and Obama’s father was in fact never a lowly “goat herder”. He claims his father was a child of privilege and affluence. His research, which I have now confirmed, indicates the Obama family was a prominent Muslim family in Kenya.
Barack Obama’s father, it turns out, was never a lowly “immigrant”. much more on Obama here
Filed Under Presidential News, Dimwit Dems,
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