> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: European Wussies Happily Bend Over To "Peaceful Islam "

Today's world headlines

Thursday, September 28, 2006

European Wussies Happily Bend Over To "Peaceful Islam "

If there was still any question that Islam is either successfully intimidating or trying to itimidate most of the wests' infidel populations into converting worshiping their God their way, (bent over facing Mecca or face the sword), that question can now unequivocally be answered....yes.

Like entertainer George Michael taking numbers for guests to join him in a public bathroom stall for some Europee-on appeasement of his own, the non-Muslim people still left in the world and most of their politically correct politicians in Europe are rushing to grab their ankles. This they are hoping will appease Allah's upset animals, out of that old Europee-on fear of facing down their enemies. They throughout historyhave seemingly preferred this submissive position.

That of coarse with the thankful exceptions of Britain's own bulldog Tony Blair, then closely followed by John Howard of Australia and the prime minister of Japan. But, this political and military support (that appreciation and gratitude coming from many of us Americans) has been mostly to the chagrin of the majority of their populations as well as their own political peril, longevity and legacies.

The Europee-ons didn't even wait this time for the obligatory fatwah's and death edicts usually issued by Muhammads Monsters before warming up the torches and life threatening protest signage we've all come so accustomed to seeing on our news outlets and tv channels. And that is before we even have Al Jazeera which is coming to a blasphemous infidel US cable company near you this fall.

After WWII they said never again. What a crock of liberal sounding crap. It's been happening in Africa as long as I have been alive, that's 41 years. It happened in Iraq as long as Saddam was in power, yet the liberals of the world say that the Iraq war isn't worth the price. Tell that to the faces of the poor Iraqi's that aren't worth America's blood and treasure according to you. Why are their lives worth more or less than anyone's including mine or yours? How can anybody lucky enough to be born free as we in America are be against the liberation of any people that are not as lucky?It's happening now on our watch.
Blogger Categories: War on terror, Religion of peace
Politicians slam Berlin opera for canceling Idomeneo - Yahoo! News: "BERLIN (Reuters) - German politicians condemned on Tuesday a decision by a Berlin opera house to cancel performances of Mozart's 'Idomeneo' over concerns they could enrage Muslims and pose a security risk.

The Deutsche Oper in west Berlin announced on Monday it was replacing four performances of 'Idomeneo' scheduled for November with 'The Marriage of Figaro' and 'La Traviata.'

The decision was taken after Berlin security officials warned that putting on the opera as planned would present an 'incalculable security risk' for the establishment." read more

In above's article and the one below the politicians are slamming the community for bending over to Allah when they set the agenda for their citizens behavior by running from this threat ever since 9-11. Read more below as to what Germany's Merkel brazenly warns her citizenry against doing. She conveniently forgets the previous German government thought that the enemy was the United States military, those liberating 50 million Muslims from their oppresive governments in Iraq and Afghanistan
Merkel warns against bowing to fear of Muslim violence | Top News | Reuters.com: "BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans on Wednesday not to bow to fears of Islamic violence after a Berlin opera house canceled a Mozart work over concerns some scenes could enrage Muslims and pose a security risk.

'I think the cancellation was a mistake. I think self-censorship does not help us against people who want to practise violence in the name of Islam,' she told reporters. 'It makes no sense to retreat.'

Merkel's comments, which echoed those of other senior German politicians, fueled a row over the cancellation of Mozart's 'Idomeneo' that overshadowed a government-sponsored conference to promote dialogue with the country's 3.2 million Muslims."
Blogger Categories: War on terror, Religion of peace


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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