A few days ago I posted along with many many other bloggers about the new phenomenon pervading internet chat rooms, blogs, message boards you name it, that of the "drive by grafitti trolls" species. These would be the people that traverse the blogosphere under fake identities, set up dummy blogger accounts to post and hijack other peoples blogs simply to post derisive and inflammatory anonymous comments that are usually personal attacks on the blog owner and nothing more. Usually they're the ones that leave no valid email address or blog of their own address to respond to, those people. One common ploy being used recently is the "I used to be a conservative but have switched" profile, etc etc, I'm a red stater turning purple due to Republican incompetence, blah blah blah.
The newest poster person (pun intended) for this movement has become the Stalking Former Professor Deb Frisch, featured in the posts earlier from Michelle Malkin and yesterday in the story below, who after being exposed while trying to hide her identity and forced to face the music is now trying desperately to elevate her self-induced plight into victimhood status in order to escape the wrath of the authorities and others offended by her in this case sick and inexplicable behavior, In her case described in the article below and elsewhere for the past week.
One would think that the left moonbat swampers would stop at that, but thats not the case, shown in the article written below by Newsbusters and American Thinker contributer Noel Shepphard about what is becoming a hotbed issue all over the democratic party and blogosphere. This being that the stalking blogger nazi's appear to at least be equal opportunity flamers, that they seem to feast on one another just as easily, especially soon after one of them seems to grow a spine and tries to leave the tribe after realizing that their "Lord of the flies" type behavior crosses the line of civil participation in debate into the realm of outright harrassment :
The newest poster person (pun intended) for this movement has become the Stalking Former Professor Deb Frisch, featured in the posts earlier from Michelle Malkin and yesterday in the story below, who after being exposed while trying to hide her identity and forced to face the music is now trying desperately to elevate her self-induced plight into victimhood status in order to escape the wrath of the authorities and others offended by her in this case sick and inexplicable behavior, In her case described in the article below and elsewhere for the past week.
The American Spectator: "Score another one for the bloggers. Not only did the pajama pundits blow the whistle on Dan Rather's misrepresentation of the president's Air National Guard record (Rathergate), and CNN correspondent Eason Jordan's false accusations that U.S. servicemen intentionally targeted and killed journalists in Iraq (Easongate), but last week the blogs Protein Wisdom and Blackfive outed a potentially dangerous leftist university professor. The principals have rather tediously designated this scandal Ramseygate, as in JonBenet. You'll see why.
As the late Rod Serling might have said, meet Deb Frisch, a psychologist and adjunct professor at the University of Arizona. Prof. Frisch is a longtime supporter of leftist causes and Blame America Firsters. Not long ago she wrote an unintentionally hilarious defense of Prof. Ward Churchill -- popularizer of the phrase 'little Eichmanns' -- for the far left webzine Counterpunch, from which I quote: 'there is nothing absurd or outrageous about using the term 'Eichmann' to refer to the stockbrokers who died that day [i.e. on 9/11].' But we are most likely to find the professor's tirades in the comments sections of various conservative blogs, quite often attacking Christianity, as in this joyous Christmas post in which she ranks Christianity the worst of all religions:" read more
One would think that the left moonbat swampers would stop at that, but thats not the case, shown in the article written below by Newsbusters and American Thinker contributer Noel Shepphard about what is becoming a hotbed issue all over the democratic party and blogosphere. This being that the stalking blogger nazi's appear to at least be equal opportunity flamers, that they seem to feast on one another just as easily, especially soon after one of them seems to grow a spine and tries to leave the tribe after realizing that their "Lord of the flies" type behavior crosses the line of civil participation in debate into the realm of outright harrassment :
The American Thinker: "It appears that the post-Yearly Kos month from hell is continuing for Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the proprietor of the Internet’s premier liberal blog Daily Kos. After receiving some extremely negative press from major publications such as the New York Times, The New Republic, and Newsweek immediately following his seemingly successful bloggers’ convention in Las Vegas, Kos is now faced with an even greater challenge: dissention within his ranks.
Such internal squabbling comes at the same time that many prominent Democrats seem to be privately expressing concern about the direction the “netroots” – the self-described Internet grassroots movement of liberal bloggers and their loyal followers – are taking the Party. This seemingly inconvenient planetary alignment is not only threatening the long-term viability of this crusade, but also is putting Kos in an uncomfortable position just as his notoriety is skyrocketing." snip
Yet, maybe more important, these revelations – along with the way Markos and his Kossacks reacted to them – have caused some prominent DKos bloggers to question the behavior of Zuniga and his devotees. Such a civil war within the liberal blogosphere certainly has the potential to further discredit it, while likely making the mainstream media as well as the candidates they revere less apt to associate with this developing train wreck.
The most prominent disgruntlement came in a “diary” written and posted Saturday by Maryscott O’Connor, who describes herself as a “contented and fulfilled…denizen of the Daily Kos community,” and is now the proprietor of My Left Wing, “a spin-off of Daily Kos.”
O’Connor, who was actually the subject of a 2,181-word front-page Washington Post article about the liberal blogosphere published in April, began her July 8 diary entitled “Something is Rotten in Blogmark”: snip
Silverstein also voiced his displeasure with how his June 26 blog on this subject was received by the Kossacks:
In short, I expected some might not like what I wrote. But I simply wasn’t prepared for the onslaught.
After sharing some of the malicious attacks he received in the comments section of his blog, Silverstein addressed how the site’s administrators appeared to be participating in the bashing rather than performing their prescribed tasks:
But I have to say that behavior like what I’ve described above–not just behavior by members, but apparently behavior aided and abetted by the site administrator/s–allows me to understand some of the criticism of Kos and his site flung at him by his critics. My treatment made me feel more like I was participating in a cult in which I’d insulted the chief leader and was receiving the deep six treatment in response. more
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