> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Palestinian "Professional Victimhood Coalition"

Today's world headlines

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Palestinian "Professional Victimhood Coalition"

I've been speaking and writing to this topic for the past few days (here + here), and today Charles Krauthammer seems to echo my very thoughts, with more eloquence than I used, but the message is the same nonetheless . The Palestinian/Arab world, with the aid of the western media leading the charge, have become nothing more than professional victims and have absolutely no interest in solving their own problems.

Like the child that will never leave the parents nest, always blaming their failures and shortcomings elsewhere, (in the Palestinian/Arab case it's we the Americans & the Jews) and they're perpetually seeking handouts to compensate for said percieved injustices.

The time has come for these whining incompetent folks to get with the program or they should just be allowed to whither away, period.
Townhall.com :: Columns :: Victimhood: A Palestinian disease by Charles Krauthammer - June 16, 2006: "WASHINGTON -- It was another one of those pictures that goes instantly around the world. A young Palestinian, wailing in wretched sorrow, grieving over her dead father, stepmother and five siblings, killed by an explosion on a Gaza beach. Then came the blame. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (he's the moderate) immediately called the killings an act of Israeli ``genocide'' and, to dramatize the crime, legally adopted the bereaved girl.

The sensational coverage and sensational charges raise the obvious question: Why would Israel deliberately shell a peaceful family on a beach?"
They wouldn't, it's as simple as that. Everyone in the civil world with a half a brain know this, although the MSM, the Palestinians, Al Jazeera and Arab world will always find it easier to blame someone else (you know, the filthy U.S. & Jews, George Bush, etc etc.) rather than to address their own ills.

Things like too many years of Yasser Arafat, electing a terrorist organization (Hamas) to run their government, small details like that, then incredulously expecting the civilized world to feel sorry for their supposed plight and pay all their bills for them while they stomp around calling for the destruction of Israel day after day. Yeah, OK.
The Israeli government, clumsy as ever, seemed to semi-apologize by expressing regret about the deaths, implying that perhaps they had been caused by an errant Israeli shell targeting a Palestinian rocket base. But then a few days later, an army investigation concluded that it was not Israel's doing at all. read more
What a surprise! not here.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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