This man is a little bit different due to the fact he was able to quietly and more than honorably serve our country despite his little brother being very well known to all of us, not someone you might expect. But then again, from this family we've always gotten their best.
Charlotte Observer 05/16/2006 : "FAYETTEVILLE - based at fort bragg He has the same self-confidence, the same cleanly shaven head, the same famous last name as his brother. But James Jordan has always been his own man.
While his younger brother, Michael, made history on the basketball court, James Jordan forged a distinguished career in a different uniform -- Army green.
Now he has retired after 31 years, one more than required because he chose to stay and accompany his unit on a yearlong tour of duty in Iraq.
'The Army was my life,' he said recently. 'That's why I dedicated myself to it. I felt I could be very successful in it. It didn't require me to be 6 foot. It just required me to be physically fit.'
Jordan, who stands about 5 feet 7 inches and is 48, rose to become command sergeant major of the 35th Signal Brigade, the Army's only airborne signal brigade, based at Fort Bragg. That's the top job for an enlisted signal soldier." more
It's bad enough that they virtually ignore the added count of our heroes damaged due to the beginning of this war. As in your next excellent post. BUT - they haven't even mentioned James Jordan?! In a normal world - in the least - one of the MSM heroes would be mentioned for a couple of days?! I find this very tiring and sad. Not to mention how angry I've become. Coming from "leftist" Northeast Ohio - I don't even want to talk to people I don't know well - for the fact they are likely to be worshipping the MSM's left view and are waiting with "baited breath" to villainize our Marines in any way possible. I wonder how many people are still hanging on the LIE that came from a witness who couldn't possibly have been a witness to the Abu Al Devil bombing? (too angry to check the spelling)