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Today's world headlines

Monday, June 5, 2006

Let's Call This Scourge What It Is

That's Radical Islam. Not a peaceful religion, not a religion of peace. Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are terrorists, not insurgents or freedom fighters as Cindy Sheehan calls them.

The euphemisms used to describe these people in the US (below) and British media are a joke and do nothing more than perpetuate the myth that there is no enemy in this war on terror, just a few loose screws belonging to Al-Queda, when in fact the enemy is Radical Islam and it's true followers. The ones that are following the script the way the prophet muhammad intended.

Take for instance the article below on the AP wire describing the events surrounding Saturday's arrests of 17 Islamic Radicals intending to use a fertilizer bomb or bombs in Canada similar to the one that loner American Homegrow Terrorists TimothyMcViegh and Terry Nichols used in Oklahoma city. I have boldened the references to the suspects as they are referred to in just the 1st few paragraphs of the lengthy article.

You'll soon see what I mean.
My Way News - Canada Nabs 17 Terror Suspects in Toronto: "TORONTO (AP) - Canadian police foiled a homegrown terrorist attack by arresting 17 suspects, apparently inspired by al-Qaida, who obtained three times the amount of an explosive ingredient used in the Oklahoma City bombing, officials said Saturday.

The FBI said the Canadian suspects may have had 'limited contact' with two men recently arrested on terrorism charges in Georgia. About 400 regional police and federal agents participated in the arrests Friday and early Saturday.

'These individuals were allegedly intent on committing acts of terrorism against their own country and their own people,' Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement. 'As we have said on many occasions, Canada is not immune to the threat of terrorism.'

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested 12 adult suspects, ages 43 to 19, and five suspects younger than 18 on terrorism charges including plotting attacks with explosives on Canadian targets. The suspects were either citizens or residents of Canada and had trained together, police said." more
No the suspects were a bunch of Radical Islamist Muslims masquerading as Canadian citizens, nothing less folks, just as they are doing in this country, lying in wait while all the multicultural apologists on the left give them room to breed their hate wide enough to non- conformist citizens hoping to strike with more force then they were able to do on 9-11.

We can and should take lessons from what is occurring presently in what is commonly referred to now as "Londistan" as a model of what is coming here and worldwide for that matter if we don't continue to stop it once and for all right now as our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are doing, contrary to what the democrats and liberals in the U.S. believe.
June 4, 2006 -- AFTER 9/11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced to life imprisonment, his family blamed - the British. Their son had had first arrived in London in the 1990s for an MA course in international business studies - and been radicalized and recruited for jihad at London's Finsbury Park mosque.

It was the British, his mother said, who turning a blind eye to the violence and spread of hate - and thus allowed this youth with a troubled and violent family background to be recruited to the cause of Islamist terrorism.

Leaving aside her complaint's self-serving aspect, she was undoubtedly correct.

Because British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been such a staunch friend to the United States, Americans assume that - unlike Europe - Britain generally is on side. They could not be more wrong. The dismaying truth is that Blair is an aberration in his own country. Instead of fighting radical Islamism, virtually the entire British political, intellectual and security establishment can't even bring themselves to name the threat. *When the London suicide bombings occurred last July, the response was to blame, not Islamist terror, but "Islamophobia."

*When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently ratcheted up his nuclear defiance, the response in Britain was horror - not at the Iranian nuclear threat, but at the risk that America might now be more likely to attack Iran.

* When the Danish cartoon jihad erupted across the world, the British media stood out from the rest of Europe in refusing to republish the drawings. read more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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