> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Jefferson promises he has 'an honorable explanation'

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Jefferson promises he has 'an honorable explanation'

The honorable explanation you won't hear but should from William "Frigidaire" Jefferson:

"Im very sorry".........(That I got caught that is).
Jefferson promises he has 'an honorable explanation': "WASHINGTON -- Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, said Tuesday that there is 'an honorable explanation' for the damaging scenario being painted by the federal government in the federal bribery probe targeting him, and he again denied breaking any laws." more

And if that doesnt work he can always blame George Bush, or racism.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. After numerous requests for this information - what do people expect. There are too many people out there realizing that they probably won't be caught and IF they're caught - nothing will happen. How on earth do we expect law enforcement to perform their duties and protect us as citizens. The new norm "Everyone's Right" no matter what they've done is "old" already!

  2. Chrys, last time I got a subpeona I had my intern answer it immediately after I got the second one.....


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