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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Two Quick Videos Demonstrate The Scum That Lurks Amongst Us Daily

These 2 news videos speak for themselves and the downward spiral our country is now in the midst of thanks to failed social policies, caused mostly by both political parties succumbing to liberal PC pressure and failed parenting in non traditional families mostly to blame for this violence and disrespect for authority


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, you have to blame liberal policies that created situations that made all these kids equal and didn't punish them in fear or hurting their feelings. It comes from years of parents being afraid to discipline their kids in public because some moron will call child services. It comes from parents who placed their kids in front of tv and didn't discipline at home. That last video was disturbing. I hope both these millennials spend some hard time with their new wife Bubba.

  2. absolutely as I sadi "failed parenting in non traditional families " made up of test tube lesbians along withunfortunate divorcee's who happened to marry and then gret pregnant by lowlife scum who bailed out on the woman and children for usually their own personal gain.

    And even the ones that claime to have done their part to "pay the bills and so forth" still evade the hardest part of being fathers and that's the everyday shit that they uncerimoniously bailed on that's too much even for the best intentioned Mothers out there to hadle alone Clay.

    That kid beating on the bus driver, no he didn't pick that up from his daddy now did he? Yea right.....


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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