> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Liberal Democrats New Motto? "Never Waste A Good Crisis and Chance To Screw We The People"

Today's world headlines

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Liberal Democrats New Motto? "Never Waste A Good Crisis and Chance To Screw We The People"

Rush Limbaugh and our local Conservative talk show host Don Wade have been harping on this for months, but as a Chicagoan Wade has been using this line of Rham Emmanuel for a long while seeing as this Obama Emmanuel cabal is our very own as it were.

I would think though with the entire dem crew spouting this phrase all in the same weekend should speak volumes to All Americans liberal and conservative that these lowlifes are not only exploiting this crisis they are intentionally worsening it to insitute a clean sweep and throwing the Republic completely to the wind.

Here's Dead Fish Emmanuel explaining the tactic in a quick 20 second sound bite from a while back: around here it's known as the Rham Doctrine:
`You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,` Emanuel said. `What I mean by that is that it`s an opportunity to do things you could not do before.`"

The we have Her Royal Thighness and Obama spouting the same treasonous line nearly simultaneously with Hillary spitting it out in Europe and Bro bama doing it in his radio address today

Obama: Crisis is time of `great opportunity':

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama on Saturday challenged his country to see its hard times as a chance to 'discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.'

'That is what we can do and must do today. And I am absolutely confident that is what we will do,' Obama said in his weekly radio and video address, taped a day earlier at the White House." continued

Wake Up America, you're being fu**ed like never before right before your very eyes, just like we warned you all it would occur for the past year on this blog and others
Never waste a good crisis, Clinton says on climate

Environment | Reuters
: "BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday 'never waste a good crisis,' and highlighted the opportunity of rebuilding economies in a greener, less energy-intensive way.

Highlighting Europe's unease the day after Russia warned that gas flows via Ukraine might be halted, she also condemned the use of energy as a political lever.

Clinton told young Europeans at the European Parliament that global economic turmoil provided a fresh opening. 'Never waste a good crisis ... Don't waste it when it can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy security,' she said." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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