> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama The Lazy Ass?

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Obama The Lazy Ass?

That's what American Thinker is claiming and anyone out there should know from life experience that most any individual who spends the majority of their time lying and making up stories like Obama does and has all his life at will is, most simply put (9 times out of 10) a lazy screw. What senator would allow a picture like this to be taken of him on the people's time other than the egotistical lazy f*** like Obama?

As most people who are not walking around with their eyes wide shut should know by now, this man who is now the president in name only is a pathological liar and therefore by my assessment is also a complete lazy fuck. Obama is the kind of guy who would just as soon pay someone to take a test for them as he would be to simply buy the answers and just cheat if the opportunity ever presented itself which many out here are sure he already has, his entire life story is a fraud.

This man has produced not one concrete piece of writing or evidence that this "wonderfully talented all knowing and all seeing Messiah he has convinced his sorry assed followers he is....other than of coarse two books written about himself by himself vetted for facts BY NO ONE WHATSOEVER!!

Amazingly this is the only real evidence this man even existed on this planet other than a few lousy misguided laws on the books back here in Illinois that is from his PART TIME senate job that somehow propelled him to the presidency.

And now some folks who knew the Messiah, (just as I knew they would eventually) are now coming out and telling their stories at the most opportune times for them just like anyone else would in this money means everything world in which we now sadly live.

American Thinker Blog: Is Obama lazy?

(Updated): "All we're getting is whispers from the press, of course, A raised eyebrow here, a sad shake of the head there. But the picture that is emerging of Barack Obama, the executive, is not very flattering if you look between the lines."
Jennifer Rubin:

Well, it's becoming obvious he's not really much of a manager, decider, legislation-craftsman, or supervisor. His vetting process is in shambles and key Treasury slots are still vacant. His Treasury Secretary is a classic under-performer and Obama encourages that tendency by talking about everything other than our immediate recovery needs. He lets Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid do the legislating - and they've come up with an embarrassing stimulus and an omnibus spending-bill even Democrats aren't swallowing.

What does he like to do? Summits. These are in essence campaign events - faux town-halls where nary a discouraging word is heard and no real work is done. And he loves those campaign rallies around the country.

So if the report is accurate that others are crafting his political strategy (just like the Pelosi-Reid machine is drafting his legislation), it should should come as no surprise. George W. Bush was lambasted for poor management skills and excessive delegation. But that was nothing - Obama has delegated the entire task of governing. He will keep the campaigning for himself.
excellent article continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Obama has even spent one whole day in the Executive Office!!

    I have never seen a politican, once in office, travel and do so many news conferences or public appearances, and party.

    I read on Daily KOS how us Conservatives are just being rascicts when we call Obama lazy! I an not sure of the connection?? All I know is the guy never works, the Treasury still needs people, and he just passes the buck to everyone else to get things done.



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