> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Obama Gallery Of Fallen "Nominees" Growing Like A Malignant Tumor

Today's world headlines

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Obama Gallery Of Fallen "Nominees" Growing Like A Malignant Tumor

Throw these names in with the questionable if not downright un-American scum Obama has been known to run with all the way back to his Islamic Indonesian days, and we begin to feel exonerated as we see exactly what these people see, yet continue to wonder with amazement why the lunatic fringe of the left is so utterly blinded by the false image of the Messiah to see the light?

New York Post has this little collection this morning.....

- New York Post: "The best way judge a person is by the company he keeps. But President Obama is having trouble keeping any company at all. Recently his Cabinet nominees have been dropping like flies - Sanjay Gupta's withdrawal from the surgeon general slot on Thursday brought the number of botched high-level candidates to seven. '

He's having a lot of trouble getting nominations pushed through,' says Paul Light, professor of Public Service at NYU's Wagner School. 'He's falling behind Bush and Clinton in his number of confirmed candidates in the first 100 days. He can't afford another one.' Here, a rogue's gallery at some of the fallen friends."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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