> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Illinois Pastor Uses God's Book As Shield From Evil Gunman, Later Succombs to Injuries

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 9, 2009

Illinois Pastor Uses God's Book As Shield From Evil Gunman, Later Succombs to Injuries

Once again Illinois is made a complete national disgrace, this time not from a lying and cheating politician but by a raging lunatic who decided today to take his miserable self into the house of God filled with faithful Americans worshiping peacefully amongst themselves until this social misfit arrived armed, opening fire on their equally peaceful and loving pastor, who at gunpoint was forced to use the good book as the only thing between he and his unknown assailant.

The Pastor Fred Winters took the fire and shortly thereafter succumbed to the fatal injuries as the beyond mentally disturbed suspect's gun jammed unfortunately at the wrong time, right before he was able to blow his own miserable brains out like the coward he was. So according to reports including the one below he then began to stab himself to end his life, which was unsuccessful as of coarse the good hearted Christian's came to his aid, enabling him to live and be taken to a Southern Illinois hospital outside of St Louis where he is expected to recover.

In the wake of this tragedy this imbecile is a perfect poster child for two glaring things in my humble opinion, and the first point I would make is this shows it's not the guns that kill as gun opponents will exploit this death to make their old and stale anti gun arguments, but the people pulling the triggers. Number two, had our state here in Illinois, (which by the way is presently becoming more anti gun by the second) allowed responsible gun owners like myself to apply for concealed carry permits for our legally owned and registered weapons, this poor defenseless pastor would alive today and the suspect dead as I and likely other citizens would have come to his aid and have stopped this loose screw dead in his tracks without a doubt.

So in conclusion may the deceased pastor Fred Winters and his family, along with his severely shaken and mourning flock accept our deepest condolences and prayers after this sad and unnecessary tragic loss of their dear pastor. And rest assured heartfelt prayers go out to them from us all on this dark and rainy Sunday afternoon, and may he rest in peace after this unforgivable act of random lunacy and cowardice.

Pastor Dead After Shooting at a First Baptist Church in Illinois

FOXNews.com - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News:
An Illinois pastor used the Bible he was reading from to shield himself from bullets being pumped at him from an unknown gunman who opened fire during Sunday services at the First Baptist Church in Maryville, Ill.

Senior Pastor Fred Winters was preaching during the 8:15 a.m. service when a man entered the church, walked down the aisle and started shooting, a parishioner told FOX News. Four others were also reportedly shot.

The .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol then jammed and the suspect started stabbing himself with a knife, Ralph Timmins of the Illinois State Police told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Timmins said the gunman slashed two parishioners when they tried to subdue him.

The suspect is in serious condition and is heading to the operating room, according to Saint Louis University Hospital.

Winters was shot three times, police said. He was pronounced dead on arrival at Anderson Hospital, a spokeswoman told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Five other people were taken to local hospitals.

Police said there were about 150 people in the church at the time of the shooting.

Linda Cunningham was sitting near the back of the church when the gunman walked up the aisle. She told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch she figured the man was confused about what time the service started because of daylight savings time.

Cunningham told the Post-Dispatch she, as well as others, didn't recognize the gunman.

Some parishioners believe the gunman used church bulletins to conceal his weapon.

"All you could see was confetti" Cunningham told the Post-Dispatch.

The church has an average attendance of more than 1,200 and was officially organized on March 4, 1945, according to their Web site.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Why so many killings at churches lately? It is a strange situtation indeed.

  2. I'll be asking my pastor to keep a gun in the pulpit. I know he's got one....or 20.

  3. I carry one everywhere I go in my vehicle since becoming crippled and while illegal I would've taken that POS out Kate not in the church sadly when needed but definitely as he tried to escape. Conceal Carry would ave so many lives and thwart so much crime it's not even funny. Thanks for popping by :>)

    I don't know why Soldier?, unless like I and this Pastor is claiming that I posted yesterday we're probably at the end of our God given ropes/////thank you too sir

  4. Well, if you lived in TN, it would be normal to have a gun or two stashed in the congregation. :) Illinois, on the other hand, seems to LIKE people not being able to defend themselves.

  5. Yes maam, you got that right and this is what I say to that sh** as I'm ready to rock when some freakazoid or Obama's jackboots comes to my car or front door which I always encourage Kate...


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