> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Who's Listed As "Owner" Of The Obama's "Mansion" In Hyde Park? Not Him or Her.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who's Listed As "Owner" Of The Obama's "Mansion" In Hyde Park? Not Him or Her.

Lowlife convicted felon and Obama buddy Tony Rezco's attorney pictured here is the man listed as the owner of the Obama home, William Miceli. A member of a law firm at which Obama once worked, yet another job the professional job hopper held briefly and yet left mostly undone to add to his paper thin resume of lies

This Blagoyevich link has turned reportedly turned Fitzgerald's attention to the sale surrounding the home which is far from standard Real Estate practices to say the very least and at the most a felonious "you wash my hands and we'll wash yours" proposition that most Americans do not gain the benefits of when buying their homes.

For instance how long can they not report that Blagoyevich's wife was directly involved with Rezco in the Obama home purchase that has not been ever FULLY vetted and reported on to include the Blago angle. Let's go back over the Obama Chicago Blago connections thanks to this fine AP piece found here and then to the one below: All prosecutors need to do is follow that money and they'll find these folks attached at their wallets

Here's a link to a story where Patty Blago just left the real estate shtick in August of last year to accept a post at a non profit org in Chicago that receives $350,000 of state monies every year, little pay for play there in reverse, where Blago Inc. puts the squeeze on the non profit to hire his wife for the state money? You be the judge.

Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion:

WND "An attorney for convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko is listed as the owner and taxpayer for Barack Obama's Chicago mansion, according to records obtained by WND.

William Miceli is a lawyer at the Chicago law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland, which also formerly employed Obama.

The controversy began when a website called News and Commentary for Thinking People published a 48-page document that lists Miceli as the owner of the Obama home at 5046 S. Greenwood.

Miner, Barnhill & Galland was Obama's employer when he did extensive legal work for Rezko, who awaits sentencing after he was convicted in June of fraud, money laundering and bribery-related counts.

Miceli, as a senior attorney at the firm, supervised Obama when the future president wrote letters on behalf of Rezko urging public authorities to award him new public properties to rehabilitate, notes the 'Barack Book' website maintained by GOP.com.

WND asked for comment from Obama's transition team and the Democratic National Committee but did not receive a response.

"Investigative reporter Tim Novak at the Chicago Sun-Times has identified 15 building projects that Rezmar, Rezko's development company, redeveloped while it was represented by Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland during Obama's time at the firm.

The law firm changed its name when senior partner Allison Davis left to join Rezko in his schemes to take out loans on low-income housing projects. Several of the transactions remain under investigation, because the millions of dollars Rezko borrowed against the properties to make redevelopments are gone, while many of the properties remain boarded up and uninhabitable.

Following the Jan. 21 Democratic Party primary debate, Miceli told the Washington Post that he was Obama's supervisor at the law firm, in response to Sen. Hillary Clinton's charges Obama had worked for a Chicago slumlord, Rezko.

The Post said 'Obama denied doing any legal work directly for Rezko or his companies,' contending Obama had done only 'about five hours worth of work' on a joint real estate development project involving Rezko and a Chicago church group.

Miceli told the Post Obama 'was a very junior lawyer at the time, who was given responsibility for basic due diligence, document review.'

Miceli said Obama 'did what he was told by the firm,' minimizing the importance of any work Obama admittedly did for the Rezko" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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