> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hamas Fires 100 Rockets At Israel on Christmas, Hardly Any Press....... Israel Retaliates

Today's world headlines

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hamas Fires 100 Rockets At Israel on Christmas, Hardly Any Press.......

Israel Retaliates

& MSM Buys The Palestinian Propaganda. Again & Again

I for one am sick and tired of the tit for tat back and forth violence in the damn middle east that's been going on for my entire life on this earth, 44 years of Muslim violence around the planet not just limited to this little chunk of land set aside for Israeli's and certainly not limited to these 44 years.

Muslims and Palestinians look for and find reasons to hate Israel and the west and have done it for thousands of years now, the land grab they're being granted in Israel has nothing to do with anything but Muslims wishing to expand THEIR growing invasion of any and every land they don't currently occupy and that includes these United States.

Any group of people would react as Israel has time and time again after countess attempts to appease these people, they get their inch, they want a mile. They get a mile they want the rest and that's the game these people play, and the media plays along as it constantly makes the Palestinians the victims, yet totally ignores the constant violence of the Muslims and Palestinians even to where they launch over a hundred rockets at Israel on Christmas day as I blogged here the other day, Israel retaliates and the MSM piles on with the sad pictures and the anti Israeli and west propaganda like this PIECE below.

Hyperbole at it's MSM best starting right with the headline which insinuates that Israel just wantonly flew through Gaza and indiscriminately killed the poor innocent Palestinians, when that is exactly what they did not do and what the Palestinians in fact did to start the whole thing, like they do time and time again..

Just look at this inflammatory picture, 1 of 5 in the one single story and then then compare it to the story about Israel and the 100 rockets fired at them that was removed and replaced with this crap. I linked to the original story that was pulled which was titled Israel Moves Closer To Gaza Invasion ... I had to go back and fix the links today to find the original piece that can now only be seen on a CBS news website. AP does this shit all the time with no blowback whatsoever, none.

A Palestinian man reacts over the body of a member of the security forces of Hamas at the site of an Israeli missile strike at the security headquarters in Gaza City, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008. Israeli warplanes demolished dozens of Hamas security compounds across Gaza on Saturday in unprecedented waves of simultaneous air strikes. Gaza medics said more than 120 people were killed and more than 250 wounded. (AP Photo/Fadi Adwan)

There's 4 more pictures with anti Israeli captions like that one int he one story, unheard of for one web page length story, and again I restate, the original story about the Christmas strikes has been removed from AP, but CBS and others reprint these things under their own headlines, the original story can now be seen here, and the blogged story I had can be seen here with the links now pointing this bullspit below instead of the small Israel Moves Closer To Gaza Invasion
story on Christmas
Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kill 192

My Way News - "GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in unprecedented waves of airstrikes Saturday, killing nearly 200 people and wounding 270 others in the single bloodiest day of fighting in years.

Most of those killed were security men, but civilians were also among the dead. Hamas said all of its security installations were hit and responded with several medium-range Grad rockets at Israel, reaching deeper than in the past. One Israeli was killed and at least four people were wounded in the rocket attacks. With so many wounded, the Palestinian death toll was likely to rise.

The air offensive followed weeks of intense Palestinian rocket and mortar fire on southern Israel, and Israeli leaders had issued increasingly tough warnings in recent days that they would not tolerate continued attacks.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel would expand the operation if necessary. 'There is a time for calm and there is a time for fighting, and now is the time for fighting,' he told a news conference. He would not comment when asked if a ground offensive was planned."

But asked earlier if Hamas political leaders might be targeted next, military spokeswoman Maj. Avital Leibovich said, "Any Hamas target is a target."

The strikes caused widespread panic and confusion in Gaza, as black clouds of smoke rose above the territory, ruled by Hamas for the past 18 months. Some of the Israeli missiles struck in densely populated areas as children were leaving school, and women rushed into the streets frantically looking for their children. Most of those killed were security men, but civilians were among the dead.

Said Masri sat in the middle of a Gaza City street, close to a security compound, alternately slapping his face and covering his head with dust from the bombed-out building.

"My son is gone, my son is gone," wailed Masri, 57. The shopkeeper said he sent his 9-year-old son out to purchase cigarettes minutes before the airstrikes began and now could not find him. "May I burn like the cigarettes, may Israel burn," Masri moaned.

In Gaza City's main security compound, bodies of more than a dozen uniformed security officers lay on the ground. One survivor raised his index finger in a show of Muslim faith, uttering a prayer. The Gaza police chief was among those killed. One man, his face bloodied, sat dazed on the ground as a fire raged nearby.

Later, some of the dead, rolled in blankets, were laid out on the floor of Gaza's main hospital for identification. Hamas police spokesman Ehad Ghussein said about 140 Hamas security forces were killed.

Israeli military officials said more than 100 tons of bombs were dropped on Gaza by mid-afternoon. They spoke on condition of anonymity under military guidelines.

Defiant Hamas leaders threatened revenge, including suicide attacks. Hamas "will continue the resistance until the last drop of blood," vowed spokesman Fawzi Barhoum.

Israel told its civilians near Gaza to take cover as militants began retaliating with rockets, and in the West Bank, moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for restraint. Egypt summoned the Israeli ambassador to express condemnation and opened its border with Gaza to allow ambulances to drive out some of the wounded.

Israeli leaders approved military action against Gaza earlier in the week. continued

I agree with Barack and this statement from above: 'There is a time for calm and there is a time for fighting, and now is the time for fighting,'and it's time for the west to back Israel and say the following to the Palestinians and Iran's threats from Ahmedinejad that come daily it seems:

" enough is enough, we're not taking this shit from you people any more. We've done all we can to play nice but those days are now over. This constant "we want this and we want that" with no bending and give back is tiring and we're not taking the violence any more. Again Enough is enough, we're sick of it. Start acting like human beings, or suffer the consequences and they will be grave.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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