> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Lawsuit May Finacially Bury The Struggling New York Times

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This Lawsuit May Finacially Bury The Struggling New York Times

As a blogger , news junky and avid reader I've been a reader of the NYTimes for decades, that is until their completely biased and treasonous reporting since the beginning of the Iraq war has rendered the paper an American disgrace, since then I wouldn't use the paper to wipe my a** in the middle of the woods if I had to. On the other hand as a patriotic American, I hate to see any US company like what used to be the leader of the pack, the once "paper of record" with such a proud and distinguished history now go belly up, but that's exactly what's occurring thanks to the liberal bias it now spews and lives by.

And this recent lawsuit filed by the woman slandered with false accusations of an affair with John McCain during the presidential campaign will likely provide enough nails to finally nail shut the coffin on that struggling near bankrupt liberal ragsheet, and thereby teaching the in the Obama bag news industry a lesson or two about what happens to companies voicing their anti american sentiment each day and what their slanted liberally biased reporting ultimately does to an industry reliant on all we Americans for it's very existence from day to day.

We conservatives will simply run them all out of business, as there aren't enough liberals in the country to support all these newspapers and magazines they're all finding out the hard way, something which anyone could have told them would likely occur with this drastic liberal paradigm shift the industry has embarked on, since after all most liberals can't even read in the first place and are the cheapest group of all Americans, of that you can be certain...It's no accident that the states in the most financial distress right now in America are the liberal blue states filled with illegal aliens and the likes who are bleeding money like a sieve for their exorbitant social services and whom are experiencing the highest unemployment

D.C. lobbyist sues Times over McCain affair story:

Long Island Business News » "Washington lobbyist Vicki L. Iseman has filed a $27 million defamation lawsuit against The New York Times for a February article about Iseman and her relationship with Sen. John McCain.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Richmond on Tuesday, alleges the article falsely communicated that Iseman and McCain had an illicit “romantic” relationship in 1999 when he was chair of the Senate Commerce Committee and she was a lobbyist representing clients before Congress.

The suit also names the executive editor of the Times, its Washington bureau chief and four reporters who wrote the story as defendants.

William Keller, the paper’s executive editor, did not respond to an e-mail requesting comment on the suit.

Richmond lawyer W. Coleman Allen Jr. and Rodney M. Smolla, dean of the Washington & Lee law school and a First Amendment scholar, represent Iseman. The story was first reported online by Virginia Lawyers Weekly, an LIBN sister publication.

The 36-page complaint charges that the story implies an “unprofessional relationship” between Iseman and McCain.

Both Iseman and McCain denied any improper relationship. However, the public viewed the story as being about an affair, according to the suit, which cites the post-publication remarks of 10 different commentators across the political spectrum. In each case, their comments about the story assumed it was about an alleged affair, the lawyers noted.

The Times’ own public editor, Clark Hoyt, published what Allen called a “blistering attack” on the Times’ decision to publish the original Iseman article. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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