> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Sickening Obama Cult Worship Only Getting Worse With Each Day

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sickening Obama Cult Worship Only Getting Worse With Each Day

I don't know about the rest of you but this media obsession with molding Obama into this heroic hunk to the rescue image is just about making me puke at the purely gushing sycophantic crap that pours out of these supposed journalists has become a national embarrassment.

This New York Post front page from last week tops it off, I can't believe they actually printed this photo on the front page of a supposed newspaper, one which I read every day. We're not talking about Fabio or some bs Hollywood celebrity here, this guy is supposed to be the president and already he's helped lower the stature of the office down to the level of an Inside Edition story and Harlequin novel. Michelle Malkin had a great piece on this continuous schoolgirl gushing yesterday on NRO excerpted below, reminding us that for 8 years we've had one of the fittest presidents ever in office and he was described with words like creepy and dereliction of duty for his dedication to exercising by these very same Obama crotch sniffers:

This picture reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry shaves his chest after trimming it from his neck too far down, called the Muffin Tops. I've seen women with more hair on their chest than this girly man, to me he kinda looks like a skinny little punk, certainly not the president.

Buff Bam vs. Weird Dubya

by Michelle Malkin on National Review Online: Ah, the perks of media affection. On Christmas Day, the Washington Post delivered a front-page paean to Barack Obama’s workout habits. The 1,233-word ode to O’s physical fitness read more like a Harlequin romance novel than an A-1 news article.

Sighed smitten reporter Eli Zaslow, “The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week, and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball games.” Drool cup to the newsroom, stat.

Zaslow imparted us with vital information about buff Bam’s regimen: “Obama has gone to the gym for about 90 minutes a day, for at least 48 days in a row.” The Washington Post enlightened us with more gushing commentary from Obama friends and associates, who explain how, as the subtitle of Zaslow’s opus put it, “Gym Workouts Help Obama Carry the Weight of His Position.”

For adoring journalists, you see, Obama’s workout fanaticism demonstrates the discipline and balance in his life. Apparently, what’s good for Obama’s glistening pecs is good for the country. Zaslow quoted Obama Chicago crony Marty Nesbitt, who offered this diagnosis: “He doesn’t think of it as something he has to do — it’s his time for himself, a chance for him to reflect. It’s his break. He feels better and more revved up after he gets in his workout.”

And when Obama feels better, the skies will part, the sun will shine (in moderate, environmentally correct, non-global warming-inducing amounts, of course), and peace will reign worldwide!

Too bad the doughy, McDonald’s-chomping, coffee-guzzling members of the White House press corps couldn’t see the merits of White House exercise over the past eight years. After giggling about his out-of-shape colleagues in the media, Zaslow mentioned in passing that President George W. Bush shares Obama’s commitment to health. What he failed to acknowledge is that the same reporters who so greatly admire Obama’s lithe figure derided Bush for his training schedule.

Former Washington Post writer Jonathan Chait famously attacked Bush three years ago in an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times headlined “The (over)exercise of power.” Recounting how President Bush ran 3.5 miles a day and preached more cross-training to a federal judge, Chait fumed, “Am I the only person who finds this disturbing? ... What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.”

Chait argued that Bush’s passionate devotion to exercise was a dereliction of duty. “Does the leader of the free world need to attain that level of physical achievement?” he jeered. “It’s nice for Bush that he can take an hour or two out of every day to run, bike or pump iron. Unfortunately, most of us have more demanding jobs than he does.”

Can you imagine any member of the Obamedia mocking the incoming gym rat-in-chief this way? continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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