> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Sad Sack Cities Continue Obama Naming Ridiculousness

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sad Sack Cities Continue Obama Naming Ridiculousness

The man to have achieved hardly anything of verifiable substance continues to mesmerize the sad and easily impressed as a Florida City now wants to jump on the Obama street naming bandwagon. Frankly, I really have no problem with it, just as long as the streets also contain one of these at the end, symbolizing everything and anything Obama has ever done previously which has ended up like this; incomplete and unfinished, on a road to nowhere like everything else Obama has left behind in his over ambitious wake:

Florida couple urge road named Obama

Oddities - redOrbit: "Hollywood, Fla., may join Opa-locka, Fla., St. Louis and Masaka, Uganda, in naming streets after President-elect Barack Obama.

Thomas and Theresa Smith, activists in Hollywood's predominantly black Washington Park neighborhood, say they've gotten a positive response from city leaders to their request to rename Pembroke Road, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported Saturday.

'He's the first black president of our country; the first!' Thomas said.

Hollywood has streets named after presidents, but because Pembroke Road is a state road, the renaming ceremony, if it happens, is a way off, say city officials, who need approval from the Florida Legislature.

Opa-locka last week became the first city in Florida to honor Obama, naming a road President Barack Obama Avenue. The Obama name also is to appear on streets in St. Louis and in the town of Masaka, Uganda, where Obama has relatives."

More like where Obama was born would be more accurate, at least on the same continent we know.

What a bunch of suckers demeaning the actual honor of having to actually accomplish something before being lionized like this in this country, we've really lowered the bar to the ground it appears. Sorry, I simply don't buy the "first African American President" thing as a superior accomplishment, nor do millions of others. In fact my guess is there are millions of true African Americans that believe the same, and many out there that had they run would be or would have been the first one before this fraud. We've only had 43 presidents, there's many other countries over a thousand years old that have no black leaders and never have, why isn't the world moaning about them I ask?

The man has to do something more than getting a bunch of desperate and misinformed people to vote for him to reach this silly level of adornment in my book. He's not even a true African American in the first place for starters, so that bogus claim perpetuated by the media, like his whole history is nothing but a big fraud, in fact the biggest ever perpetrated on the American people yet. This will soon be common knowledge for those whom it already isn't.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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