> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Israeli Pummeling Of A Deserving Gaza Continues

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israeli Pummeling Of A Deserving Gaza Continues

Many of us out here are sick and tired of the Palestinian violence as I quite vociferously indicated in my two previous post on this situation, one of which just below. This is the latest on the bombardment of military targets only. Meanwhile the MSM media continues to swallow Hamas misinformation as usual instead of more easily verifiable info from the Israelis and their much more credible IDS.

Typical liberal media bias and bullspit they generate more often than a 1000lb bull nowadays.
At least the white house says it like it is, Hamas started and it's time for Israel to finish it..
ANALYSIS / IAF strike on Gaza is Israel's version of 'shock and awe'

- Haaretz - Israel News: "The events along the southern front which commenced at 11:30 on Saturday morning are the closest thing there is to a war between Israel and Hamas. It is difficult to ascertain (geographically) where and for how long the violence will reach before international intervention forces a halt to the hostilities. However, Israel's opening salvo is not merely another 'surgical' operation or pinpoint strike. This is the harshest IDF assault on Gaza since the territory was captured during the Six-Day War in 1967.

Palestinian sources in Gaza report that 40 targets were destroyed in a span of three to five minutes. This was a massive attack much along the lines of what the Americans termed 'shock and awe' during their invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Simultaneous, heavy bombardment of a number of targets on which Israel spent months gathering intelligence. The military 'target bank' includes dozens of additional targets linked to Hamas, some of which will certainly come under attack in the coming days."

"Like the U.S. assault on Iraq and the Israeli response to the abduction of IDF reservists Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser at the outset of the Second Lebanon War (the 'night of the Fajr missiles,' a reference to the IAF destruction of Hezbollah's arsenal of medium-range Fajr missiles), little to no weight was apparently devoted to the question of harming innocent civilians. From Israel's standpoint, Hamas, which persistently fires rockets while using the civilian population as cover, had plenty of opportunities to save face and lower their demands. In stubbornly continuing to launch rockets during the course of recent weeks, it brought this assault on itself.

A final decision on the precise timing of the operation was made on Saturday morning during consultations between the prime minister, the defense minister, the IDF chief of staff, and army generals. The cabinet approved the assault in its last meeting on Wednesday. Since that day, the government has waited for the opportunity to strike. Apparently, an intelligence tip indicating that members of the Hamas military wing were convening for a meeting expedited the decision-making process on giving the go-ahead to act. According to initial reports from Gaza, a number of senior Hamas officials were hit, yet the scope of the harm done to the group's leadership has yet to be precisely determined.

The Israeli objective is clear: deal as serious a blow as possible to the Hamas chain of command in order to throw its operating capabilities off kilter. Ostensibly, it will not prevent heavy rocket fire on the Negev towns, but it will likely make it more difficult for Hamas to carry out more damaging attacks against Israel."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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