> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Holy Nanny State Batman! Car speed Governors Next Target For The DoGooder Liberals?

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holy Nanny State Batman! Car speed Governors Next Target For The DoGooder Liberals?

Speed regulators in automobiles is new empty headed idea from Government in Britain if you can believe that one. Think they might spend more time worrying about their country being overrun by freeloading Muslims turning Great Britain into Eurabia while sucking the country's resources dry, just as a hundred plus million illegals have done here in America, bankrupting the country through the housing crisis and public service overload.

No, instead they want to regulate how fast people drive their cars based on false global warming information in an attempt to further regulate the way people live their individual lives. God help us all..

This sounds like something the nimrod Pelosi run congress and the Usurper Hussein Obama might think is a great idea to me. Can you imagine, a satellite determining how fast our cars go? Holy government gone wild Batman./

'Zombie' driver warning over call for introduction of car speed-limiting devices

| Mail Online: "Cars should be fitted with speed-limiters to help prevent accidents and cut carbon emissions, claim government advisers.

Ministers are planning to help councils draw up digital maps with details of the legal speed on every road.

The device then uses satellite positioning to check if a vehicle is breaking the speed limit and will automatically slow a car down and apply the brakes if necessary.

The speed-limiting technology could prevent up to 29 per cent of road accidents which cause injuries.

But campaigners believe the devices are dangerous because they lull drivers into a 'zombie mode'.

The Commission for Integrated Transport (CfIT) and the Motorists' Forum published a report yesterday which called for the voluntary introduction of the devices - called intelligent speed adaption (ISA).

The study also looked at how the devices would help fuel consumption, emissions, noise and ease traffic on the roads.

It found that on 70mph roads, keeping to the speed limit could lead to savings of up to 6 per cent in CO2 emissions."

But Claire Armstrong, from the road safety charity Safe Speed, said that the devices could be dangerous.

She said truck drivers using speed-limiting devices had been shown to 'go into fatigue mode or zombie mode' and stopped paying attention to the road.

Mrs Armstrong added: 'That makes it highly dangerous in those scenarios. So you've taken the responsibility away from the driver and that is not good for road safety.'

Derek Charters, from the Motor Industry Research Association, said using devices to automatically limit speed could cause accidents. continued

Absolutely, that was my very first thought, something other than the driver controlling millions of cars on the roads" Why is it the further we travel in this life the more stupid many seem to become?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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