> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Blago Says To The People "Screw You All, I'm In Charge, Over My Dead Body"

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blago Says To The People "Screw You All, I'm In Charge, Over My Dead Body"

So Today Blago just hop skips and jumps over the people of Illinois under the cloud of which he presently resides and names democrat lackey Roland Burris to Hussein Obama's vacated Senatorial seat, just another brother who's nothing but another longtime Chicago political shill, as you could plainly see for yourself from this circus like news conference that just took place here in Illinois.

Appointing this "Blago buddy", regardless of their claims of above board actions by both men is a total slap in the face to Illinoisans who have been screwed by this senate seat long enough, considering Barack Obama ran and won the seat on the promise that he would not run for higher office if elected which he took only one hundred days to flip on as we all know to well now. So in other words this senate seat has been vacated for years, not just since Obama was elected president by the imbeciles who reside in this country .

Further tarnishing this man Burris's credibility is that he's a man who's given over 14,000 to Blago's campaigns over the years and has played pay for play politics as Illinois' attorney general it's a well known Illinois fact, and that in itself says enough about this latest of Illinois shi*heads to come to the forefront in this Blago/Emmanuel/Obama circus..

Anybody who would accept an appointment from this piece of shi& governor is nothing but a power hungry piece of shi* themselves. So welcome Roland Burris, POS extraordinaire, the first African American ever elected to public office in Illinois you'll be hearing from the media until you wanna puke from hearing it so much..

Then again as screwy as it is, on the other hand, who the hell is Senator Harry Reid to step in and say he, apparently the self appointed king of the world, will not seat any senator appointed by this governor who in all reality is not yet guilty of anything really as sad as that sounds and is, although we all know he's nothing more than a walking talking human turd. And the use of Bobby Rush, another Chicago piece of racist garbage in the US Congress as a person of validation for Roland Burris in this afternoon's ridiculous news conference, demanding only another African American can and should be appointed to this long vacant seat no matter what is simply more reverse racist bullshit than I can take today.

3 real POS politicians really jumped through the hoops today in this certified three ring circus, way to go Illinois! What a frigging embarrassment the entire political class of this state is, as these democrats in this state and elsewhere are the lowest of human scum I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

3 PM ET news conference...

Blagojevich to name Roland Burris to Obama's Senate seat ::

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich: Aiming to proving he still has a political pulse, Gov. Blagojevich today intends to name Roland Burris, a former Illinois attorney general and comptroller, to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama that's at the heart of the governor's political and criminal problems.

But the governor's planned appointment of Burris faces serious obstacles, including the Senate leadership saying Burris "will not be seated." Blagojevich intends to announce the Burris appointment at a 2 p.m. news conference in downtown Chicago at the Thompson Center.

The Democratic leaders in the Senate issued a statement Tuesday saying any Blagojevich appointee would not be seated -- and it the leaders urged Blagojevich to resign.

"It is truly regrettable that despite warning from all 50 Democratic senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety," the statement read.

"We say this without prejudice toward Roland Burris's ability, and we respect his years of public service. But this is not about Mr. Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat. Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov.

Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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