> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Here We Go: Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Here We Go: Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

This man Soros needs to be weakened somehow, and the most likely way to do that would be to win the house and senate so we can launch investigations into the corrupted election of 08 and the financial collapse which will point to him and his cronies somewhere up and down that line.

Bringing this man and his parade of dems and a few republicans in front of this 'hopefully new blood' on both aisles to be run by republicans to answer for his profiteering while hedging and also abetting America's downfall funding communist candidates. Which amounts to treason when you sort it out, by actually 'funding America's collapse' dumping his billions into their campaigns and 'executing the master plan' through the globalist puppet, GhettObama.

This man is no doubt the puppeteer and I'm certain if the right people look in the right places he'll be living next door to Chris Dodd, Barney Fwank and Bernie Maddoff for life in federal prison once we get done uncovering their elaborate and massive ruse to flip America to a Marxist hellhole, Soros's long held dream known to almost anyone who's followed him at all.

Which they ALMOST got away with and still may if we can't vote this congress out in November because of massive fraud.
Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio: "A George Soros-funded, Marxist-founded organization with close ties to the White House has urged the Federal Communications Commission to investigate talk radio and cable news for 'hate speech.'

The organization, calling itself Free Press, claims media companies are engaging in 'hate speech' because a disproportionate number of radio and cable-news networks are owned by non-minorities.

WND previously reported Free Press published a study advocating the development of a 'world class' government-run media system in the U.S.

Free Press was one of 33 organizations that drafted a 25-page petition asking the FCC to 'initiate an inquiry into the extent and effects of hate speech in media and to explore non-regulatory means by which to mitigate its negative impacts.'

'Hate speech thrives, as hate has developed as a profit-model for syndicated radio and cable-television programs masquerading as 'News,'' claims the petition.

(Story continues)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. "Free Press."  I love how all these totalitarian marxists name themselves the exact opposite of what they are.  It's right out of George Orwell.

  2. It's only "hate speech" when we disagree with them.  Soros must be stopped.  He's pulling the empty suit, puppet obummer's strings.

  3. Trestin MeachamTuesday, July 20, 2010

    Let's face it man does not come from nowhere to win a high elected office, unless powerful people have made it possible.  Soros is indeed the pupet master.

  4. This Obama is the proof that the myth of a president being a figurehead is complete BS> Look at the damage one can do when they have a complicit congress. He's a puppet but these are his ideas as well/

  5. thanks Margie ...the Globalist's puppeteer.

  6. Isn't that nice how that works out Bunni? How convenient when the media puts on their jackboots and joins in the death march..  :(

  7. And yet the imbeciles still have no problem gobbling it up nearly 50 years later. Our school systems need to be imploded and rebuilt like ground zero. And sadly, like ground zero, neither will ever be completed if ever even started. Sad Curt.


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