> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What good would it do to run BP out of business? Tell the Lefties that.....

Today's world headlines

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What good would it do to run BP out of business? Tell the Lefties that.....

First of all, this fund was going to be established ANYWAYS, and dems are simply trying to score political points by acting as if it 'was their idea'. (the photoshop came from a friend at Liberally Conservative, and I tweaked it just a bit btw)

I call it extortion Jesse Jackson / Don Corleone style.

This man from BP is going to spend the rest of his life in depositions and for the people of congress to drag him in there before any of this has hit a courtroom is ludicrous, because he's going to say what he has to in order to make sure they don't come back and charge him with perjury, since the damn thing is still leaking, and Obama, nor can any of those congressional crooks.

I'd bet most of them can't even make their own coffee.

Mark Levin's opening is a great explanation of all that tonight 06/17 The Mark Levin Show

I was going to write something to this effect on the BK issue after watching this Dog and Pony flogging today by the criminal Obama administration,, but found this 'Letter to the editor" that says everything I was thinking the whole time.

What good would it do to run BP out of business?

By now, we are all nauseous from watching oil-soaked pelicans and the well-cam for more than eight weeks. Everyone agrees that the Gulf is a disaster. Adding to the distress, we have to watch politicians trying to outdo one another expressing their outrage.

Suggestions that BP could fix this problem if it really wanted to are ridiculous. No one is more motivated to bring the situation under control than BP. Our government doesn’t have expertise in deep-water well operations. The deep-water-drilling moratorium is causing further economic damage. Politicians want to add this cost to BP’s liabilities when our government imposed the ban because its regulations and oversight are inadequate.

BP generates more than $25 billion in annual cash flow. Calls for sending BP into bankruptcy or nationalizing the assets are ill-advised. BP should be left intact in order to fund the 20-year cleanup of the Gulf.

Michael Hobbs, Northglenn

This letter was published in the June 15 edition. For information on how to send a letter to the editor, click here.

Thinking as these morons in congress have will cause the company, which has already kept BP from paying dividends and now British pensioners from paying their rent these coming months to go belly up, as if they even have the right to do this shit....... and when they DO help bankrupt this company, which they're already doing to the stock by continuing to bad mouth it and flog it like this, guess what happens then, you dumbassed, liberal Criminals in Congress?

No one will get a "G** Damn" thing.

Who does that help?

No one, because then WE then get the bill coming in both ends, as they either go BK and rename themselves to continue on, which they can easily do, or the company remains viable and everyone hurt legitimately injured in some way gets money.

But everyone knows how that went during Katrina as people in Jails were even collecting money, and who the hell says this Obama picked panel that has not one oil person on it won't screw everyone and enrich the already rich?

With these liberals it's not what they do, it's all the unintended consequnces of what they do that fuck the rest of us Barney Frank Style.

Remember these freaking things? How they were abused? Fraud inevitably happens when a behemoth rushes to hand out other people's money.

Haste Makes Waste, remember that? It happens every time. Without fail, rush into things like handing out free money and every slime from here to Saudi Arabia is looking for a chunk of it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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