> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: RE: (D) Janis Sontany Comments: Which tribe needs their skirts lifted? You make the call....

Today's world headlines

Monday, June 14, 2010

RE: (D) Janis Sontany Comments: Which tribe needs their skirts lifted? You make the call....

Since she's the one that brought up looks, we all know what skanks liberal women can be and perhaps if one looked like that you wouldn't wanna procreate either!!

It's their crop of 'women' are truly the ones who need their skirts lifted for a "stone check" since most of those dem women seem to have 'bigger ones' than the men over on that side.

That much we know for fact Jack.
"Rep. Janis Baird Sontany (D-53) said of female Republican state legislators, 'You have to lift their skirts to find out if they are women. You sure can't find out by how they vote!'"
You make the call with this oldie but goodie....

That was easy now wasn't it. Hey, a democrat brought it up, not us.

Here's another one, and if stuck on Gilligan's island with that 'tramp-bunctious' group,
this screwball man would better than any one on them.

As nasty as he his, he's still a better looking than most of those liberal dem tramps pictured there. Barney Frank would 'do him' in a second I'd bet and let Obama have 'sloppy seconds'.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Dude, that was merciless!  And freakin' hilarious!

  2. I knew that one would catch your eye man! lol Cool.
    We do think  quite similarly. Hope that's not offensive to you. I'm actually quite smart so you must be as well Curt. ;)

  3. The perfect reason to force Democratic women to wear burkas!

  4. That'll do....a paper sack, whatever's handy.. That's why they hate conservative women so much and it's a fact, they're just more attractive in all ways. Intellectually, motherly, physically, they just care about themselves more and thus they tend to have much happier lives in marriage and out, liberal women are too busy telling everyone else what to do and how to act and if you're not for fetus mutilation you're not a 'true feminist' in thier warped world view.

    They all remind me of those women in the movie PCU, that's it. with that Jeremy Piven character....where all the women are ugly and do nothing but protest all day long..

    These women....


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