> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Dem Goes Down / 'Bra Stuffing' MA Congressional Tramp Pleads Guilty...what else would she plea, I suppose?

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Dem Goes Down / 'Bra Stuffing' MA Congressional Tramp Pleads Guilty...what else would she plea, I suppose?

Just look at this "my sh** don't stink" crook from Boston going to prison. Lowlifes all around us America, please wake up and smell the crude because there's grease and oil all through the political machinery in every city right to DC where Obama's got himself in an impeachable offense now on at least 2 occasions which was all over America long before BP came to be the scapegoat for government liberal incompetence.

They were on the rig the day it blew up and 10 days before. It's their fault as much as BP's.

And when the media 'really wakes up' it's 3instances of bribery now, since the Blago affair was the first which somehow the media isn't connecting together, and now we can believe that he was set up by Obama as he basically claims..

He says the Feds, but what that means is Obama.

There's only one thing we Americans should be certain of and focused on and that is 'We all need to take this country back from these incompetent and criminal traitors" this November, or it's over.

A former state senator who was captured on video stuffing bribe money into her sweater and bra pleaded guilty Thursday in a federal corruption case that could send her to prison for up to four years.

Former state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, a Boston Democrat who was once a rising political star, entered the pleas to eight counts of attempted extortion at a hearing in U.S. District Court just weeks before her trial was set to begin.

Wilkerson was arrested in October 2008 and accused of taking $23,500 in bribes to help get a liquor license for a nightclub and an undercover agent posing as a businessman who wanted to develop state property

She faced a total of 32 charges. Under the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to drop the remaining 24 counts.

Wilkerson, 55, said little during the hearing, answering U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock's questions in a composed voice. She left the courthouse without speaking to reporters but later issued a statement through her attorneys in which she said she would focus on preparing for her sentencing hearing.

"I would love nothing more than to tell the story,
" she said. "The decision to enter this plea, though difficult, is best for my family and the community I care for so deeply.

I am anxious to get on with my life but it cannot be done..... continued
AM 560 WIND News Article

What a fu**ing liar...see how democrats, even when 'guilty as sin on Sunday' still won't admit they did anything wrong, ever. If you pay attention which is hard to all this 'bad news', you'll notice they're only regretful that they were 'stupid enough' to get caught, since most have been 'stealing' all their lives,usually to the point where they forget it's even wrong.

Seriously. That's the only way something like this could be explained. How many of you women out there have ever stuffed your bra's full of cash while at work? None I'm sure.

No, she's not 'guilty'....she just wishes 'she could explain'.

That's what trials are for you dumb assed pig.

There's so many democratic politicians right now neck deep under subpoena's and guilty pleas they could form their own Union in jails across the country at this moment, no where near the scant number of republicans who've also run afoul of the law who are as much scum as their liberal counterparts.

This here is the second Black Politician in just recent months to go down stuffing cold hard cash into bra's, refrigerators, imagine how much of it is actually in safes and other places for when they all get out of prison.

Willliam Jefferson, otherwise known as "Frigidaire Willie" was just nailed finally for his little "cash stash", about 90 Gnotes worth. (Add "Clinton" on to his name and I think "we done found Slick's daddy finally!)

That's an actual 'evidence' photo from HIS bust by the way. Not what I would expect to see in a politician's freezer, a drug dealer's freezer perhaps...

Speaking of scum, Hot Rod Blagojevich started his little anticipated trial today for Jury selection, and unless he's got a bombshell to drop like Obama on tape accepting one of the many CERTAIN bribes, ( he had to have taken while in Illinois, or otherwise he would not have been trusted around these other Chicago crooks btw) you know he's headed to prison for life as well.

Stop and think about that for a second.

If you've ever seen the Al Pacino classic, Serpico, the movie about the former NYC cop who "wasn't "on the take" and was ostracized and nearly killed for it, that would be exactly how an Illinois or Chicago politician who is 'not on the take' would be treated.

Not like a "Messiah of Hope and Change" as all the 'fools' bought 2 summers ago, as they'd be afraid he would take them all down when he got to where he was going.

He would be considered an 'outsider' in this Daley Machine, because they cannot be trusted to allow into the "circle of filth and graft" if they are not crooked themselves for the reason I just explained.

In fact, most often, 'those' cops end up dead, as do 'those' politicians, be it figuratively in their careers as was the case for Frank Serpico, or 'literally', as they tried to let him get killed in a drug raid all for not taking bribes.

Therefore, Obama HAS TO BE as dirty as the rest, or he would have never been introduced into that Illinois "swill spittoon" known as Chicago Politics, which I do believe when our hoped for revolution in the fall occurs, Daley's done too, just like Obama, as people have finally caught on to what many just simply couldn't believe.

That being that our own government is as crooked and incompetent as we could never have imagined.

We all joked about it, but these people in DC and Statehouses across the country are the "crookedest" bunch Americans have ever seen.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. If we uncovered it all the capital building would probably burn when Americans get a full accounting of all the crime and corruption these criminals in both aisles have gotten away with Margie.


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