> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Palin joins Arizona gov. to defend immigration law | videos

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Palin joins Arizona gov. to defend immigration law | videos

PHOENIX (AP) - As calls spread for an economic boycott of Arizona, the state's governor enlisted the help of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday to defend a new law cracking down on illegal immigration.

Brewer and Palin blamed President Barack Obama for the state law, saying the measure is Arizona's attempt to enforce immigration laws because the federal government won't do it.

"It's time for Americans across this great country to stand up and say, 'We're all Arizonans now,'" Palin said. "And in clear unison we say, 'Mr. President: Do your job. Secure our border.'"

The former Alaska governor appeared with Brewer at a brief news conference on Saturday. The event launched a website that Brewer said was an effort to educate America about border security and discourage an economic boycott of the state. Palin joins Arizona gov. to defend immigration law
Here's some more of that speech, this section is ripping Obama for his comic relief at the expense of Arizona at the press dinner a couple weeks ago.  I find that telling as he's learned his lesson  about nosing around hin state's issues, and knows better than to inject himself into the Highland Park basketball issue or we'd eat him alive out here. HT HotAir Pundit...not  Hot Air.com.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. She's great!  Thanks Ray, had not seen these.  Good coverage.  Jan Brewer is right on!  What a patriot standing strong on this.  Love her last comment.  "SECURE OUR BORDERS"!

  2. Thank you maam and thanks for reading it.  ;)


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