> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Literally See Obama's Presidency Turn To Mud, Worse Than Valdez X 2 | Videos and Widget..

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Literally See Obama's Presidency Turn To Mud, Worse Than Valdez X 2 | Videos and Widget..

That's even conservative as the Exxon Spill was 250,000 gallons as and this one is a 'monstrous 17 million and counting' of untreated crude being dumped in the ocean, and remember they're spreading Tons and Tons of dispersant which has already made fisherman sick.

Literal tons of it. [video down below 1st]

Obama's Katrina? Karl Rove in the Wall Street journal says yes it 'tis...I don't know how helpful it is to blame him but it's much of his fault for ignoring the severity of it which he even admitted in his lengthy news conference I watched in it's entirety, as painful as it was.

Kevin McCarthy says this as well in this video

Greater estimates put it at 39 million gallons of crude oil not the conservative 17 or anywhere in between. You can check that with the widget you see to your right and steal it as well for your blog please. >>>>

To give you an idea, the barrels needed to clean up the Obama BP spill would hold 39 million gallons of crude, which would require 780,000 50 gallon drums at 3 feet across reaching 2,340,000 ft when divided by 5280 feet per mile comes to a line of barrels which would stretch 443 miles of 50 gallon drums.

That's enough barrels of crude stacked side by side to make a trip from DC to NYC and back once. 201 each way as the crow flies..('member that?)

That's beyond brutal and I'm the one who figured that by the way. Not hijacked elsewhere.

Not to mention as I we said, we now have fisherman already coming in ill from this shit that they're spreading like poison that could kill the entire ocean off for all they know.
So far, BP has told federal agencies that it has applied more than 400,000 gallons of a dispersant sold under the trade name Corexit and manufactured by Nalco Co., whose current leadership includes executives from BP and Exxon.

And another 805,000 gallons of Corexit are on order, the company said, with the possibility that hundreds of thousands of more gallons may be needed if the well continues spewing oil for weeks or months. [source NY Times]
They've never used this in this quantity and the real reason they're using it is to hide the spill and hope it somehow dissipates underwater and millions of dead fish don't come washing ashore.

That's the only plan other than to clean it up as it comes ashore and we've seem what that looks like from the Valzdez.

They've already hired 20,000 employees. There's Obama's job plan for you huh? It's going to take 5 times that easily to clean this mess up as it comes to shore and if it bankrupts BP nobody gets nothing and we get stuck with the bill so lawsuit filing folks need to keep that in mind as they rightfully I might add try to do exactly that.

However BP said this and they're right: "BP is very important to the American people and it's economy".

Touché on that thanks to liberals preventing drilling on land and now canceling all exploration as the markets flipped out ten minutes later.

What a buffoon.

He doesn't know how wield power unless he's doing it against Americans almost.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. But he's so calm and cool and thoughtful and deliberate...

    This shows everyone just how unprepared this man is.  Had he been president during Katrina, the whole damned city would have drowned.

  2. If the emporer had no clothes before I don't know what to call him..>It proves the left would let Atila the Hun run the country if he was the dem candidate.

  3. There's a 20 mile collection of oil, a'plume' they call it and when this crud finally comes to shore and it will it's just 'where' that's the question this administration is really going to be done. They can't even do what they supposedly 'do best' and that is watch out for the environment, and now this climate scam has been uncovered, they thought Obama was going to get everyone following him like the pied piper and that's why they put him in office.

    I never believed all the "illuminati crap" but after seeing this lowlife elected 'president' I believe it all. All the government needs a purge and all the laws and things put together by this group recinded entirely. 

    CROOKS like none other.


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